Treatment Guide

Helping a West Point Graduate Connect the Dots Between Symptoms and Their Causes


My mother, Cleo Libonati, RN, BSN was giving a presentation to medical school students at a major medical school in Philadelphia. The topic was “Identifying and Correcting Nutrient Deficiencies in Celiac Disease.”

A student approached her after the presentation. She was a tall, athletic looking woman with short blond hair. She introduced herself as Amanda and told Cleo she was afraid she might have to drop out of medical school. She said she was a West Point graduate, but no one could diagnose her.

She said she had constant gastrointestinal problems and fatigue. She couldn’t concentrate. Something was terribly wrong. She could feel it.

Amanda was highly intelligent. She had to be. West Point is the United States Military Academy and only lets in the best in the nation. She asked if celiac disease could be her problem.

Cleo asked her about her diet and exercise habits. Amanda ate mostly healthy and exercised, but not excessively.

Cleo looked in her eyes, at her face and hair, which was on the thin side, asked to look at her fingernails and then felt along the back of her upper arms. The skin was bumpy, similar to gooseflesh. Amanda also had acne along her jawline.

Cleo then asked if she had problems seeing at night.

Amanda replied,”I don’t drive at night.”

She had been to the best physicians at West Point as well as the medical school physicians. The best answer she got was “stress.”

Cleo told her that her skin and eye problems were due to vitamin A deficiency and considering her other symptoms she likely had celiac disease.

“How can this be? The United States isn’t a third world nation. We don’t see vitamin A deficiency,” asked Amanda.

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe. She was truly interested.

Cleo replied that celiac disease is a malabsorption disorder, and if you aren’t absorbing fats, you will not absorb fat soluble vitamins. In Amanda’s case, vitamin A was the obvious one, but there were likely others given her symptoms.

Amanda gave Cleo a long hug. I could tell she wasn’t the emotional type, but it was such a relief for her to finally get answers that she did so impulsively. (This tends to happen a lot at our presentations.)

Cleo knew the signs of individual nutrient deficiencies, so she could connect the dots between Amanda’s symptoms. This is the main reason she wrote Recognizing Celiac Disease and why we created the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide.

Many people in the United States are nutrient deficient. The Treatment Guide lists hundreds of symptoms and the deficiencies that cause them. You just look up your symptom to see which deficiency(cies) cause it. Then you click on the deficiency to find out the other symptoms it causes and follow the steps listed that show you how to correct it. It is that simple. This is how you connect the dots between your symptoms and get to the underlying causes.

Western Medicine tends to think linearly.

Problem = Symptom.

The truth is often not so simple.

Problem => Symptom + Symptom + Symptom => Another Problem => Symptom + Symptom.

One problem causes symptoms that lead to other related problems in a cascading effect.

People have been taught to treat their hair problems, skin problems, eye problem, and other problems as if they are individual issues. Usually, they are connected.

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide shows you how they connect and how to find and fix the underlying cause.

People are subscribing and discovering the causes of problems that have plagued them for decades. They are fixing them, recovering and thriving. All because they are armed with the information they need to identify and fix the causes of their health issues. The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide is more than a gluten-free guide – it is a nutrition guide and a symptom guide.

It is revolutionizing the health of many and can do the same for you. Visit the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide to find out more.

About John Libonati

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Author Information: John Libonati, SW Florida Publisher, & The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide.

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