Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Deficiency

Three Probiotics You Need to Decrease Inflammation and Make Vitamins

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that live in our intestines. When our level of bad bacteria overbalance the good bacteria, we get a condition called dysbiosis.

The following video describes three probiotics that decrease inflammation and make certain vitamins we need for energy metabolism, mood and a number of other functions!

Ready to get healthy? REALLY healthy? Check out our Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide where we show you how to treat and correct over 300 symptoms. Standard medical treatment doesn’t account for nutrient deficiencies, medicine interactions or supplements. The Treatment Guide does!

Geographic Tongue and Speech Lessons

image-300x225[1]When I was in kindergarten, I had to take speech lessons. Oh, I could talk, and I did nonstop to anyone who would listen. The problem was that nobody could understand a lot of the things I had to say. When I spoke, I heard “s.” Other people heard “sschhshs.” Kids at school would ask my name. I would say, “John.” They would ask, “Sean? Joe?” My friends would tell them my name.

I remember once, my speech therapist, a kindly older woman, remarked that I had geographic tongue. She stuck her tongue out to show me hers. It looked like the photo here. Gross!

This is actually what my tongue looks like from time to time. Actually, this is a photo of my tongue from several years ago. Yes, it is painful.

Doctors told me they didn’t know why it looked that way. For all of my childhood, I thought that was just the way I was.

Well, the cause is Read More »

Understanding Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Deficiency in Celiac Disease

Riboflavin is a micronutrient, also known as Vitamin B2, which performs many important functions in the body. Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin that releases energy from carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids. It plays a key role in specific amino acid production and provides antioxidant protection. Riboflavin is essential for growth and production of red blood cells and maintaining healthy skin, eyes, hair, and nervous system.

Riboflavin Deficiency

More than 34% of Americans get less than the RDA because, unlike other vitamins, riboflavin is not found in many foods.

Riboflavin depletion and/or deficiency is common before starting the gluten-free diet treatment. It frequently results from malabsorption due to damage to the small intestinal lining, but can also be depleted by excretion through diarrhea, excessive sweating or excessive urination. It is important to note that riboflavin deficiency can result from low serum proteins, which is a common occurrence in untreated celiac disease.

When riboflavin deficiency appears after starting the gluten-free diet, it is usually due to Read More »