Ethan Fox never slept more than two hours at a time. He did not speak. He ran continuously, day and night, until he would collapse from exhaustion. After a short nap, he would awaken and run again.
At one year of age, Ethan was diagnosed with autism. At 20 months, after being written off by other physicians, he was placed on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet by Dr. Kenneth Bock, autism specialist and author of “What Your Family Needs To Know About Autism Spectrum Disorders.”
According to Ethan’s mother, Tracy Fox, results were seen within three days on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. Ethan slept through the night, spoke his first words and has never had a problem since. Now age 6, he is at the top of his class at school with a 97% average…and virtually no one knows he was ever diagnosed with autism.