Tag Archives: Health

What is “Healthy” Food to You?

Gluten free produceIn the past few weeks, I’ve had the chance to ponder the question “What is healthy food?” It seems that many of us have very different perceptions. Maybe that’s what stands in our way some times, we think healthy food and healthy eating is not obtainable.

It would be so much easier if my brain did not crave things like salty chips or sweet cookies but the reality is, it does. Maybe it’s a combination of many years of being bombarded with advertising to make me think I want it or maybe it’s as simple as it satisfies something in my head. I didn’t take enough psychology in college to answer that. I do know if it’s around me (like it is now as I write; you wouldn’t believe what is at the end of the table at my sister’s house) I’m less likely to eat well.

In my older years, I have realized that if I allow myself a little rather than denying myself entirely, I can balance the cravings with Read More »

What is An “Incomplete Protein?”

For me, being happily gluten-free means eating many different kinds of foods—from meats to nuts—rather than just trying to replace bread products. This approach has sent me into the world of legumes, and I eat lots of beans. As a result, I’ve become more interested in the nutritional value of beans. More specifically, I began to wonder why beans are considered an “incomplete” protein.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never really understood the term: incomplete protein. I know we have to “complete” the protein with other food, but what does that mean, and how are we supposed to do it?

Clearly, it was time to do some research, and here is what I learned. Read More »

Don’t be a Statistic. Medical Mistakes are the Third Leading Cause of Death in the United States.

13502036_10154102429271815_7497922383029815833_n[1]A recent Johns Hopkins study found medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States, killing between 200,000 and 400,000 per year.

The study does not even consider misdiagnoses, or how many people suffer injuries without dying. We frequently see people who are medicated for what doctors think are diseases, but are actually symptoms with underlying causes. This is why we created the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide – to improve proper diagnosis and treatment – so you and your doctor could connect the dots between hundreds of symptoms and their causes, causes like nutrient deficiencies that doctors do not recognize.

“Medical mistakes — from surgical disasters to accidental drug overdoses — are the No. 3 cause of death in the U.S., behind cancer and heart disease, two experts argued Wednesday.

They said a careful count of all deaths from preventable medical errors shows between 200,000 and 400,000 people a year die in the U.S. from these mistakes. The only way to get the country to do something about them is to start counting them, Dr. Martin Makary and Michael Daniel of Johns Hopkins University medical school argued.

“We spend a lot of money on cancer and heart disease but we have not even recognized that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States,” Makary told NBC News.

“We have not as a country recognized the endemic problem of people dying from the care that they receive rather than the illness or injury for which they seek care.” Read the rest of the story at NBC News. The case report is available at the New England Journal of MedicineRead More »

Were You Diagnosed with Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease by a Doctor or Did You Figure It Out on Your Own?

do doctors understand gluten sensitivity or celiac diseaseIt is well documented that only a small minority of those with celiac disease are successfully diagnosed in a medical setting.

Gluten sensitivity, which we based on medical research and proposed in Recognizing Celiac Disease in 2007,  has only recently been accepted as a true medical condition. So we decided to hold an informal survey to see just how people are becoming gluten-free? How are they finding out that gluten sensitivity or celiac disease are the cause of their health problems and are doctors diagnosing them or are they figuring it out on their own?

We posted this question to our GlutenFreeWorks Facebook friends and here are their answers. Were YOU diagnosed by a doctor? Leave your comments below! Read More »

Are You Eating A Low Fiber Gluten-Free Diet?

glutenfreerooseveltlodgebeans[1]Did you know that eating a low fiber diet puts you at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease — including heart attack and stroke, obesity and even colon cancer? Obviously getting enough fiber in our diets is extremely important for our long term health.

Gluten-free diets don’t have to be low fiber diets but if you’re eating a lot of packaged gluten-free foods, especially snack foods made with refined gluten-free ingredients like white rice flour and corn starch, you may not be getting close to the daily recommendations for fiber.

So what kind of fiber is best and how much fiber do we really need to eat every day to support good health?

Types of Dietary Fiber and Health Benefits

Three kinds of dietary fiber have been identified — soluble fiber, insoluble fiber and one you may not have heard about before called resistant starch. Each type of fiber has unique chemical properties and Read More »

72 Hour Health Special

“Get Well, Look Good and Stay Healthy Living Gluten Free”

We started using this tagline in 2005 when we first published Glutenfreeworks.com.

Optimizing your health has always been our primary goal and we have helped millions of people do just that.

With the Covid-19 pandemic afflicting the world, it is more important than ever to maximize your health and get to the root cause of any ongoing health issues.

Italy is reporting 99% of those who are dying have other illnesses.

The top three illnesses being reported are high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

All three are included in the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide:
Reversible Hypertension, Diabetes Disorders, Heart Disorders.

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide website is a self-treatment resource that will empower you with the information and tools you need to recover and optimize your own health and well-being as well as work with your healthcare providers to improve your treatment. 

Health conditions can persist or develop even after going gluten-free.

It is time to stop managing health conditions and fix them.

While standard medical treatment uses medications, procedures or surgeries to manage health problems, the Treatment Guide goes beyond treating symptoms to identify and fix the root cause.

This cause may be something as simple as a nutrient deficiency, a trigger that is causing inflammation, or a medication for one issue that is exacerbating another.

With the purpose of helping you achieve the best health you can, right now, we are offering you a subscription to the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide for just $20.

>>> Subscribe Here! Use Coupon Code: 72GUIDESPECIAL
(This special ends April 1st at 11:59PM EST.)

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Is the Gluten-Free Diet Still Relevant?

Remember when the gluten-free diet was all the rage in the news?
Not anymore.
Now, it is more often than not treated as a scam.
The news even tells you it is dangerous…unless you are diagnosed by a doctor, of course.
Gluten is said to be something best left to doctors…the professionals.
If you beat the odds, and are actually successfully diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, most doctors think all you need to do to get healthy is remove gluten from your diet .
A woman told us her doctor said, “just stop eating pizza and bagels,” after she was diagnosed with celiac disease.
Two years later, her daughter was born with a cleft lip.

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Healthcare May Seem Doomed But You Can Save Yourself

Image source: wkrg.com

Fixing healthcare is a big topic in the United States at the moment.

No healthcare plan is going to work because no one in government or the medical industry is looking at healthcare the right way.

People should be healthy. Instead, they are sick and getting sicker – almost 60% now take a prescription medication. What does that look like? Line up 5 people. Three of those five are taking a prescription drug to treat some health problem. 15%, or almost 1 in 7, take five or more medications.

You cannot fix a system by shifting money around when the underlying causes of health problems are not being treated or prevented.

Doctors are trained to treat acute symptoms. Chronic diseases are being treated like acute symptoms. As a result, medications that are only supposed to be taken in the short term, like Read More »