
Sex and the Celiac: Dating Tips for the Gluten-Free

When you have celiac disease or another gluten-related disorder, dating can be fairly tricky. With so much focus on restaurant outings, movie theater snacks and the post-date kiss, people with a gluten-related disorder have a lot more to think about than just finding the perfect outfit.

The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA) shares these 5 tips for navigating the dating scene while staying gluten-free. Read More »

True Story: Doctor Says “Don’t Eat Wheat Ever Again”


gluten free challah bread

Gluten Free Homemade Challah Bread

This is a quote that a lot of people are hearing these days. What happens after your doctor says these words? Here is a synopsis of my journey; if any of this sounds familiar, give it some serious thought…there may be a very simple answer.

I first heard these words while I was barely concious, in a bed at Methodist Hospital in Houston. I had become so weak and debilitated by my undiagnosed and untreated celiac disease that my life was in danger. The symptoms over twenty years included gastrointestinal problems, fibromyalgia, irritability, bone pain and more. The good news was that I finally found out what was wrong with me; the better news was finding out that the disease is completely manageable through dietary changes alone.–no medications, no surgeries, none of that stuff. Just don’t eat grains that contain the gluten protein, mainly wheat, barley and rye. That sounded really good to me.

Not so fast. While still in the hospital, I was really still very sick, and not really able to process the information. After a couple of days (in which I was already improving), it dawned on me that Read More »

One Dish, Three Meals – Mexican Style!

I have never viewed being on a gluten and dairy-free diet as restrictive. Of course there are many foods I can’t have, but there are many more foods I can enjoy. However, more so than I did before I went gluten-free I get in phases where I feel like I’m eating the same foods. This is especially true since I have had to restrict my diet even more due to acid reflux.

When my parents came up last time my mom brought me two 1lb containers of ground turkey. I had made a meatloaf with one and had been enjoying the frozen turkey burgers my mom had made, but with my last Read More »

Gluten-Free Quinoa & Pumpkin Seed Granola Recipe

I have dubbed this my no-oat granola. I missed that detail when I first started adapting this recipe and was sure Better Homes and Gardens had forgotten to list the oats in the ingredient list. Alas, it was intentional and I’m loving it! This granola with a little homemade almond milk is my new go-to breakfast, snack, and occasional dinner.

Quinoa & Pumpkin Seed Granola

Quinoa & Pumpkin Seed Granola

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Orange Raspberry Blueberry Muffins Recipe

I once was in a shopping mall in California (Sears, I believe), and read a screen t-shirt that was soooo hilarious to me that I took a picture of it. It said (and I quote), “Muffins are just ugly cupcakes”. It had a picture of this beautifully conceited cupcake staring down its low-esteemed muffin companion.

I know – pretty mean – but I had to laugh!

Now of course, I view it as “Cupcakes are just pretty muffins with hats on”, but that is neither here nor there.DSC_0239-1

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What is “Healthy” Food to You?

Gluten free produceIn the past few weeks, I’ve had the chance to ponder the question “What is healthy food?” It seems that many of us have very different perceptions. Maybe that’s what stands in our way some times, we think healthy food and healthy eating is not obtainable.

It would be so much easier if my brain did not crave things like salty chips or sweet cookies but the reality is, it does. Maybe it’s a combination of many years of being bombarded with advertising to make me think I want it or maybe it’s as simple as it satisfies something in my head. I didn’t take enough psychology in college to answer that. I do know if it’s around me (like it is now as I write; you wouldn’t believe what is at the end of the table at my sister’s house) I’m less likely to eat well.

In my older years, I have realized that if I allow myself a little rather than denying myself entirely, I can balance the cravings with Read More »

Homemade Corn Salsa Recipe

I already apologize for giving you this recipe, because it is so good, you literally won’t be able to stop eating it. It’s also super easy to make, and will help you to impress any guests that may enjoy it as well (that’s if you are willing to share, of course).

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