
How to Discover Seemingly Unrelated Symptoms Are Connected

Celiac Disease is sometimes referred to as having a cascading effect where symptoms beget symptoms and the health worsens and worsens.

This video shows how you can discover multiple symptoms are in fact related, when your doctor or doctors may be treating them as separate issues with different causes.

It also demonstrates how important it is to know the true cause of your symptoms.

Subscribe to the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide to learn more about your symptoms and fix them.

Connecting the Dots Between Underlying Causes and Symptoms – Apathy, Magnesium, Thiamin

Symptoms and health problems all have a cause. (Don’t believe it if someone tells you different, no matter what letters they might have behind their name.)

Cleo and John Libonati discuss why discovering the underlying causes is crucially important to wellness. Cleo explains how something as simple as Magnesium deficiency can cause other nutrient deficiencies and lead to a host of health issues.

Ready to get healthy? REALLY healthy?

Identify your underlying causes of health issues, fix your symptoms and get well with the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide. Discover more here.

Celiac Expert Answers – Could a Gluten-Free Diet Lead to Other Diseases? Video!

Weight loss, fad, miracle cure…there is an enormous amount of misinformation concerning the gluten-free diet in the news, on the internet and even in the medical community.

One of the worst ideas being perpetuated is that following a gluten-free diet can somehow be bad for you.

Dr. Stefano Guandalini, Founder and Medical Director of Columbia University’s Celiac Disease Center, answers the important question – Could following a gluten-free diet lead to other diseases?

Read More »

Three Probiotics You Need to Decrease Inflammation and Make Vitamins

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that live in our intestines. When our level of bad bacteria overbalance the good bacteria, we get a condition called dysbiosis.

The following video describes three probiotics that decrease inflammation and make certain vitamins we need for energy metabolism, mood and a number of other functions!

Ready to get healthy? REALLY healthy? Check out our Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide where we show you how to treat and correct over 300 symptoms. Standard medical treatment doesn’t account for nutrient deficiencies, medicine interactions or supplements. The Treatment Guide does!

Can celiac disease be mistaken as autism? A boy whose “autism” was cured.

A five year old Canadian boy, diagnosed with severe autism, was cured when the true cause of his mental disorder was found to be celiac disease and he was treated with a gluten-free diet and nutritional supplements.

Photo originally posted to Flickr as "Jack"

Photo originally posted to Flickr as “Jack”

His autism was cured because he was never really autistic in the first place. He had celiac disease, an immune response to wheat, barley, rye and oats that damages the intestines leading to malabsorption of nutrients.

Gluten-restricted diets have become increasingly popular among parents seeking treatment for children diagnosed with autism.(1)

What if certain children who are diagnosed with autism actually have celiac disease?

Neurological disorders stemming from celiac disease have been widely documented in medical literature. Some of these conditions include poor balance, tremors, migraines, chronic fatigue, schizophrenia, epilepsy, apathy, depression, insomnia, behavioral disorders, inability to concentrate and anxiety.(2)

Many of these issues are due to nutritional deficiencies resulting from the intestinal damage that celiac disease causes. If caused by celiac disease, they improve once gluten is removed from the diet and the intestine heals and functions properly.

Genuis and Bouchard, researchers at the University of Alberta, recently published the case of the 5-year-old boy who had been diagnosed with severe autism at a specialty clinic for autistic spectrum disorders. After an initial investigation suggested underlying celiac disease and varied nutrient deficiencies, a gluten-free diet was instituted.(1) His diet and supplements were adjusted to secure nutritional sufficiency.

The patient’s gastrointestinal symptoms rapidly resolved, and signs and symptoms suggestive of autism progressively abated.(1)

This case is an example of a common malabsorption syndrome (celiac disease) associated with central nervous system dysfunction and suggests that in some cases, nutritional deficiency may be a cause of developmental delay.

Genuis and Bouchard recommended that all children with neurodevelopmental problems Read More »

Three Ways Gluten Causes Mental Disorders

Gluten is implicated in dozens of mental disorders, directly and indirectly causing symptoms that affect the mind. Cleo Libonati, RN, BSN explains three ways gluten causes neurological problems.

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide includes over 30 mental disorders that stem from gluten sensitivity and/or celiac disease and gives you steps to correct them or limit their progression.

Video: The Importance of Recognizing Commonly Missed Symptoms

How do you know when you are unwell?

What are the signs?

Many people do not recognize common symptoms that are telling us something is wrong in the body.

Cleo Libonati, RN, BSN and John Libonati discuss the importance of recognizing some commonly missed symptoms and what they mean.

Want to find out more about recognizing symptoms, so you can control your health?

Find out more at our Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide!

Using the Treatment Guide Worksheet to Help Your Doctor Improve your Treatment

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide includes a handy Information Worksheet that you can use to help keep track of your health and work with your doctor.

Each symptom entry in the Treatment Guide includes a link to the Information Worksheet.

Just click the link provided in the entry to print and complete the Information Worksheet.

Enter the information you find in the Treatment Guide and you have a useful document that will help your doctor modify your treatment as needed to improve your health!

Watch this quick video to see how it works!

Visit the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide to find out more!