All right, I have a pretty big confession to make.
I steal lavender.
By that I mean, when I head out on my daily walks, my hand might ever-so-slightly slip onto a neighbor’s lavender plant and give a little tug. If some buds end up in my hand then I just figure it was fate and move along to the next yard.
D doesn’t approve, but I have quite a few arguments that can justify the whole process. If you really want to hear them, I’d be glad to share, but right now they might just sound like excuses.
*Slightly random side note: I picked up a new book the other day called The Welcoming Kitchen
. It’s full of allergen-friendly (i.e. gluten-, dairy-, egg-, soy-free, and vegan) recipes. It’s a really cute book (cute shape, classic fonts, and a great color scheme), although it’s greatly lacking in pictures (in other words, there arenone). The recipes look yummy, though, and if nothing else, they are inspiring to me when I’m in the kitchen. It’s also inspiring to know that allergen-free cookbooks are becoming more and more prevalent.

The following recipe is not at all like the book’s recipe for pancakes, but seeing the addition of cornmeal in The Welcoming Kitchen’s
ingredients list made me add it to my own recipe, so I feel that I should give a shout-out to the cookbook authors.
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