Emergency Meal Kits

Are You Ready for a Disaster? Follow These Steps

gluten free emergencyFearsome tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, radiation contamination, tornados, thunderstorms, mudslides and floods are in the news.  Still, other kinds of disasters like hurricanes, house fires, wildfires, explosions, extreme heat and biological threats and are real possibilities in the upcoming months. Being ready is being smart.

Underlying any disaster is the need to prepare for injuries, lack of power, unsafe water, contaminated food, loss of clothing and loss of shelter.  www.ready.gov site says, “You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately.”

Make an emergency plan now for these three options and review it with the family: Read More »

Gluten Free Soapbox: Recovering From Flu With No Groceries Blues

Don't let this happen to you this flu season!!

Last week, the flu stole my will to live. I spent the entire week in a fog and barely ate anything but gluten free crackers and orange juice.  Oh, how I look back now and long for that simplicity!  I didn’t know then how easy I had it, and I didn’t know until now the consequences of the fact that no grocery shopping has been done.

Yes, I am still out of the things I was out of when I took to my bed last week.  Now I’m out of gluten free crackers and orange juice too!  I am continually amazed that the gluten free grocery fairies have not graced me with their presence.

At some point, my body decided it would be funny to heal just enough to be starving, but not Read More »