
Gluten-Free Quinoa & Pumpkin Seed Granola Recipe

I have dubbed this my no-oat granola. I missed that detail when I first started adapting this recipe and was sure Better Homes and Gardens had forgotten to list the oats in the ingredient list. Alas, it was intentional and I’m loving it! This granola with a little homemade almond milk is my new go-to breakfast, snack, and occasional dinner.

Quinoa & Pumpkin Seed Granola

Quinoa & Pumpkin Seed Granola

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MEDICAL RESEARCH: Vitamin D Necessary for Preserving Cognitive Function

Editor’s note: Promising research published January 8, 2007 shows that adequate levels of vitamin D in the elderly are important to maintain cognitive function or thinking skills that include use of language, awareness, social skills, math ability, memory, reasoning, judgment, intellect, learning, and imagination. This study is called a retrospective review because the researchers did not actually examine anyone. Instead they reviewed data from records of 32 older adults who had been examined for memory Read More »

Bleeding Complications (Bruising or Hematoma) as First Sign of Celiac Disease

Editors’ note: This case report illustrates that a person can live a long time reporting apparent good health and be completely unaware that they have symptoms of celiac disease. In this case, hematomas, (which are swollen black and blue marks caused by a break in the wall of a blood vessel), that developed on his legs caused the patient to seek medical attention. The ability of his blood to clot was severely impaired and yet there was no other manifestation of hemorrhage. Discover more about bruising and hundreds of other health issues and how to treat them at the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide.

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Gluten-free Dairy-free Belgium Waffles Recipe

I don’t know about you but when I smell Belgium waffles at those kiosks, I really wish I could eat gluten. Last year I vowed to find a replacement and I must say, I nailed it. I have made it two ways; with the caramelized sugar and without. Both are still delicious and my children are very appreciative of the effort I have made (read: this is not a quick recipe but worth the wait).

This New Year’s day, I thought it would be fun to make them as a treat. The crowd (both gluten-free and not) agreed it was a winner. Read through the Read More »

Gluten-Free Thai Chicken Pot Stickers Recipe

gluten free pot stickers recipe

If you have ever enjoyed the experience of eating “pot stickers” before going gluten-free, you know how delicious and fun these savory Asian pan-fried dumplings are. They’re fun to make too!

Traditionally pot sticker wrappers – similar to wonton wrappers, are made with wheat flour. While I’ve thought about attempting to make a gluten-free wonton for some time, it wasn’t until I bought Laura B. Russell’s cookbook, The Gluten-Free Asian Kitchen that I actually went for it.

Our gluten-free pot stickers will stick to the pan, just like wheat-made pot stickers, so read the instructions carefully and then have fun making this recipe. Read More »

Four Reasons Why People Stay Sick Even After Going Gluten-Free

The majority of people do not heal all the way after starting their gluten-free diet. According to one medical study, only 21% had normal cell structure. 69% had partial villous atrophy. 10% had total villous atrophy.

Why don’t people heal after starting a gluten-free diet? This video explains four things that stop us from getting better.

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Gluten Free Banana Drunk Macaroons

I hadn’t realized it while planning this weeks’ posts, but there is an ongoing theme for many of the recipes this week.

fiber + healthy and happy digestion

I just love fiber, don’t you?

Abusing my body throughout my teenage and early adult years left me with a very broken digestive system.

After going through countless tests, x-rays, medications, hospital visits, acupuncture, massage therapists, and exercises I said enough is enough! And I made a promise to myself that I would Read More »

Healthcare May Seem Doomed But You Can Save Yourself

Image source: wkrg.com

Fixing healthcare is a big topic in the United States at the moment.

No healthcare plan is going to work because no one in government or the medical industry is looking at healthcare the right way.

People should be healthy. Instead, they are sick and getting sicker – almost 60% now take a prescription medication. What does that look like? Line up 5 people. Three of those five are taking a prescription drug to treat some health problem. 15%, or almost 1 in 7, take five or more medications.

You cannot fix a system by shifting money around when the underlying causes of health problems are not being treated or prevented.

Doctors are trained to treat acute symptoms. Chronic diseases are being treated like acute symptoms. As a result, medications that are only supposed to be taken in the short term, like Read More »