
Shop at Ethnic Grocery Stores for Interesting Gluten-free Grains and Flours

Do you ever wonder where you can buy gluten-free grains and flours for a discount? Check out your local ethnic markets for terrific prices and variety.

One of the most frustrating aspects of being on a gluten-free diet is the cost of food.  Whether you are buying a prepared food or a bag of flour, the prices seem to be higher than “regular” food.

Next time you drive past an ethnic market or grocery store, stop in and see what they have to offer. Asian markets offer various rice flours.  Middle Eastern and Indian markets provide a wide variety of bean flours and alternative grains.  Read More »

Top 10 Gluten-free Items Every Gluten Intolerant Person Needs in Their Pantry

gfchefHere is a list of the top ten gluten-free items that every gluten intolerant person needs in their pantry.

1. A good general gluten-free flour blend. Highly recommended: Better Batter Flour, Meister’s Flour, Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Flour Blend.

2. Xanthan gum or guar gum for your baked recipes.

3. Quality flavored olive oils and vinegars. Make sure these are gluten-free and you can whip up a marinade or salad dressing in no time.

4. Quinoa. Buy pre-rinsed quinoa from a company such as Ancient Harvest and save yourself a few minutes in the kitchen.

5. Great gluten-free bread such as Udi’s or Katz’s. Keep it in the freezer for those times when you need to make a sandwich on something that tastes like the “real” thing. Read More »

10 Tips to be a Smarter Gluten-Free Cook

jen_fugosmallEver get tired of cooking? Or maybe you live alone and don’t enjoy cooking for one?

One of the best lessons I’ve learned while being gluten-free is that in order to eat the best you possibly can, you’ve got to cook it yourself. You know that gluten-free doesn’t necessarily mean healthy, so you can’t count on just purchasing products to meet the nutritional needs of your body. But I think you already know that, right? (If you don’t, consider one of these options for learning more about being gluten-free AND healthy!)

Though you know you need to cook, I’ve heard the full spectrum of why people get into a rut and feel like they just can’t make cooking a priority. Whether you Read More »

9 Simple Steps for Successful Gluten-Free Shopping

Shopping for gluten-free foods can be inexpensive and fairly easy. Follow these nine steps for successful gluten-free shopping:

gluten free shopping1. Learn Naturally Gluten-Free Foods. Only foods containing wheat, barley, rye and oats contain gluten. All unprocessed meat, poultry, seafood, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans and grains like corn and rice are naturally gluten-free. This list of Safe Foods will help you.

2. Learn Gluten Code Words. Flour, rye and oat bran are obvious, but learn other names, like seitan, vegetable protein and malt, as well as common hiding spots, like sauces and coatings. Follow this helpful list of Hidden Ingredients.

3. Read Ingredient Labels Every Time. Ingredients can change. You may find a food you counted on for months now lists Read More »

Check Out These Gluten Free Coupons on Amazon

Did you know Amazon has coupons and discounts on dozens and dozens of  gluten-free products?

I like Amazon for three main reasons:

  1. It is super convenient. No lines. No driving.
  2. It feels like I’m getting presents when my packages show up. Yay, Christmas year round!
  3. I get FREE shipping as a Prime member! Nothing beats free. :)

Check out some of the coupons you can get…

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Save On Gluten Free Foods At Amazon Warehouse

I love Amazon! As an Amazon Prime member, my shipping is usually free and my orders show up at my door the next day or in two days.

And I gotta admit it, getting packages from Amazon is like getting presents. Nevermind the fact that I bought my own gifts. It’s still fun to carry in the box and rip it open to find the stuff inside.

Unfortunately, some brick and mortar stores seem to be cutting back on gluten-free product variety.

Products I counted on disappear.

Sure, if I find them in the clearance rack, the prices are great.

But the clearance deals are a downer because I know those products won’t be back on the shelves.

It is reassuring to know that Amazon carries Read More »

How to Cut Your Gluten-Free Food Costs

We are all feeling the effects of rising food costs.

A recently published study appearing in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, “Limited availability and higher cost of gluten-free foods,” found that gluten-free versions of wheat-based foods cost, on average from 76% to a whopping 518% more. Ouch!

The good news is that there are lots of ways you can cut your gluten-free grocery bill, while staying healthy on a gluten-free diet. Two of my favorite ways to lower my gluten-free food costs include Read More »

Product Recall: Applegate Frozen, Gluten-Free Chicken Nuggets

Approximately 1,572 pounds of The King’s Delight Co.’s Applegate Naturals frozen, gluten-free chicken nuggets have been recalled because they contain wheat. 

The presence of wheat is not declared on the label of the 8 oz. cartons.

Applegate Naturals Gluten-Free Chicken Nuggets

Applegate Naturals Gluten-Free Chicken Nuggets

Here are the details of this recall if you have purchased this product: Read More »

Wegmans Gluten-Free Mixes Recalled

Wegmans Gluten Free Double Chocolate Brownie Mix, All Purpose Baking Mix, Honey Cornbread Mix, and Chocolate Cake Mix have been recalled because they may contain undeclared allergens, including milk, soy or pecans. Individuals who have allergies to those undeclared ingredients are at a serious risk of life-threatening allergic reactions if they consume those products.

Wegmans gluten free brownie mix

Wegmans gluten free brownie mix

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