When you have celiac disease or another gluten-related disorder, dating can be fairly tricky. With ...
I am proud to announce Gluten Free Works has created a brand new Facebook ...
Have you ever wanted to talk to your favorite gluten-free companies? Now you can. Gluten ...
Hi. I see that you are following me on Twitter either on http://www.pih-mpls.com or http://www.drdeborahsimmons.com. Thank you! I like your website and will share it with others. Are you physicians? Naturopaths? Awesome gluten-free people? I have been eating gluten-free with my daughter and both of our health is dramatically better. Thanks for what you are offering here!
Hi Deborah, I just found out that i had celiac. After all this time, i find out why i can’t loose weight. I’m so upset about it and i have really gain about 30 pounds in almost a years time before finding out what was wrong. i have no diet menu to go by is there anything you could reconmend. i really need to get on top of this before it gets out of hand. thanks. Phala Iles
Hey John, maybe you will add our large german Group “Zöliakie Austausch” (Celiac Exchange). If someone needs help for Germany, Austria or Swiss you can contact us.
We have a Facebookgroup with abt. 8000 members and a Blog in german language. We are trying to give the best information for Celiacs. We have restaurant Tipps all across Germany and many members who will help any visitors if they local for local safe glutenfree HotSpots.
I am gluten free – with severe allergies to wheat and other foods. My specialist for very high cholesterol (8.6) wants me to take niacin as I cannot tollerate statins. Is niacin connected to wheat and will it make me ill or will I be able to tollerate it? I have just read up on the side effects and it sounds there are more risks than I am happy with without more advice.