Treatment Guide

Good Nutrition: It’s What You Eat AND Absorb

“You are what you eat.”

We teach children this common thinking almost from the time they can speak. It makes sense. The food that you put in your mouth, chew and swallow becomes the person you are.

Most people believe it. So do most doctors.

Well, it may sound logical but it is only partially correct and based on a very iffy assumption.

The assumption is that your body absorbs what you eat. has pressed the truth, namely that you are actually what you eat and absorb. If something like celiac disease is stopping you from absorbing properly, then you are NOT what you eat.

In this important three minute video, Neil Raff, MD concisely explains how what you absorb is just as important as what you put in your mouth. Dr Raff covers the various ways nutrient absorption can be affected and limited. He also touches on a related topic – foods today do not contain the nutrients they provided in the past.

Kudos to Dr. Raff for covering this important topic in this quick and easy-to-understand must-see presentation.

Over 3 million people in the United States have undiagnosed celiac disease. They are NOT absorbing their nutrients, but don’t know it.

Pass it on so others get this important information! 

Do you believe you are what you eat AND absorb?? Reply below!!

About John Libonati

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Author Information: John Libonati, SW Florida Publisher, & The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide.

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