A hidden source of gluten is often found in shampoos, conditioners and lotions. Who would have known?
Many beauty products contain some source of wheat. Those with food allergies should check with the company to make sure their product is gluten-free. One of my favorite gluten-free beauty products is by Desert Essence. Their fragrance free collection is great for those who have sensitive skin. The lotion is delightfully moisturizing, the shampoo and body wash lather extremely well and the conditioner detangles the hair nicely. Desert Essence also makes several other shampoos and conditioners with an assortment of wonderful fragrances.
All of their products will list if they are gluten-free and vegan.
For more information:
Dessert Essence
Author Information: Jessica Meyer, Austin, TX
Jessica Meyer, B.S. Nutrition Science
Austin Gluten Free Examiner: http://www.examiner.com/x-18200-Austin-Gluten-Free-Examiner
Blog: http://atxglutenfree.wordpress.com
E-mail: JessLynnMeyer@gmail.com
Twitter: ATXglutenfree