Question: Is Baking Powder Gluten-Free?
Gluten-free baking recipes frequently call for “gluten-free” baking powder and some products are labeled “gluten-free.” Why is that? Learn what’s in baking powder and even make your own fresh gluten-free baking powder at home.
No, not all brands of baking powder are gluten-free. Baking powder is made from baking soda, cream of tartar (a bi-product of wine production) and a “moisture absorption agent” which is usually, but not always cornstarch. Other starches including potato starch (gluten-free) and wheat starch (contains gluten) can be used in baking powder products.
Therefore, not all brands of baking powder are gluten-free. According to manufacturer information, the following baking powder brands are gluten-free. Most of these products are available at large and small grocery stores in the United States. Read More »