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Is Baking Powder Gluten-Free?

bakingpowderQuestion: Is Baking Powder Gluten-Free?

Gluten-free baking recipes frequently call for “gluten-free” baking powder and some products are labeled “gluten-free.” Why is that? Learn what’s in baking powder and even make your own fresh gluten-free baking powder at home.


No, not all brands of baking powder are gluten-free. Baking powder is made from baking soda, cream of tartar (a bi-product of wine production) and a “moisture absorption agent” which is usually, but not always cornstarch. Other starches including potato starch (gluten-free) and wheat starch (contains gluten) can be used in baking powder products.

Therefore, not all brands of baking powder are gluten-free. According to manufacturer information, the following baking powder brands are gluten-free. Most of these products are available at large and small grocery stores in the United States.

If you are unable to find gluten-free baking powder or you find that the can you have is old (passed expiration date) use this simple recipe for Homemade Baking Powder.

Product freshness is extremely important when using baking powder. Baking powder is a “leavening agent” which means it makes baked goods rise. Old, outdated baking powder doesn’t provide the rise that fresh products do. Always check expiration date on can before buying baking powder!

Reminder: Always make sure your work surfaces, utensils, pans and tools are free of gluten. Always read product labels. Manufacturers can change product formulations without notice. When in doubt, do not buy or use a product before contacting the manufacturer for verification that the product is free of gluten.


Author Information: Teri Gruss, MS
Teri was diagnosed with gluten intolerance after decades of symptoms that culminated in malabsorption syndrome. Teri has written numerous health and nutrition articles for the popular website and was a founding member and moderator of, a nutrition forum for healthcare professionals and students. She is a member of the American Dietetic Association and supports the non-profit organization Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) of North America as a member.

About Teri Gruss, MS

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Author Information: Teri Gruss, MS Guide to Gluten-Free Cooking Teri was diagnosed with gluten intolerance after decades of symptoms that culminated in malabsorption syndrome. Teri has written numerous health and nutrition articles for the popular website and was a founding member and moderator of, a nutrition forum for healthcare professionals and students. She is a member of the American Dietetic Association and supports the non-profit organization Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) of North America as a member. Email Teri Gruss, MS here.

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