When cruising the gluten free forums, it is not hard to notice that there are a few issues associated with a gluten free diet that come up a lot. One of these issues is a rapidly expanding waistline.
The problem of gluten free weight gain comes from the higher concentration of carbohydrates and sugars found in gluten free foods. One serving of gluten free corn spaghetti has 7 more grams of carbs than the “regular” counterpart. That may not seem like much in terms of numbers, but your thighs can tell the difference.
With the holiday season quickly approaching, many people are beginning to search for a sure fire way to beat the bulge. This is even more challenging when you are already searching to find the gluten free jewels in every party menu.
Is a streamlined waist just another dream of a Christmas miracle? It doesn’t have to be! Members of the gluten free elite prove their amazing willpower on a daily basis. We forge through grocery stores, buffet lines and dinner parties, resisting temptation left and right. If even half of that willpower were applied to making healthier choices, then Santa may well be able to bring some smaller jeans for Christmas.
Think about it, most of us were so careful when starting the gluten free journey. There seemed to be nothing to eat but high-priced specialty foods. We all started this journey with a lot of fruits, vegetables, meats and the occasional spongy textured bread. Then, as the awareness and availability of gluten free eating expanded, so did the menu.
It is a relief to know that all the same foods are available to the gluten free elite as other folks, but does that mean we have to indulge ourselves with them? Maybe back at the beginning is a great place to start.
For more info: Watch your waistline while on a gluten free diet: part two will feature tips and tricks for putting your willpower to good use without sacrificing flavor or adventure.
Author Information: Marissa Carter, Kansas City
Marissa Carter
Website: www.lostscribe.webs.com
Gluten Free Product Reviews: wwww.glutenfreeproductreviews.blogspot.com
Kansas City Gluten-Free Food Examiner: http://www.examiner.com/x-19097-Kansas-City-GlutenFree-Food-Examiner
Blog: www.marissacarter.blogspot.com
Suite 101: www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/mmrcarter
Twitter: LostScribe
AIM: lostscribe79
A gluten-free diet can be incredibly useful for those with sensitive systems, though weight gain is possible. It’s good to know how to manage this diet so that weight gain doesn’t become an issue.