Then check out Omni Hotels because they have introduced a gluten-free breakfast buffet station companywide. The station will include gluten-free cereals, granola and a variety of breads and muffins. The gluten-free items will be on a separate table with a dedicated toaster to avoid cross-contamination.
Are you on the gluten-free diet and looking for hotel accommodations?
This Examiner always travels with gluten-free breakfast items because a lot of times the breakfast items are slim pickings at hotels and we don’t want to be caught off guard with a growling tummy to start off the day. It is usually a waste of money to purchase a breakfast buffet when all that is usually safe is eggs, bacon, fruit and yogurt. What a treat it will be to get gluten-free bread products to slather with butter and jelly just like everyone else.
Stephen Rosenstock, senior vice president of food and beverage of Omni Hotels, recognizes the trend and its importance. “For a number of years, there’s been a growing recognition of people with gluten intolerance,” he says. “I’ve noticed that, what five or six years ago was a small section in a grocery store, is turning into almost a full aisle in some stores. A lot of what hotel food and beverage does follows what’s going on in the consumer side.”
Author Information: Jennifer D. Harris, Atlanta, GA
Jennifer D. Harris,
Gluten-Free Product Specialist, Return to Eden
Program Chair, Atlanta Metro CeliacsTwitter@jenniferGFinGA
A gluten free toaster? Wow, that would take a lot of trust. It doesn’t take much to imagine something seemingly innocuous (people lined up waiting at the “regular” toaster?) providing impetus for an impatient gluten-gobbler to take glutenized bread over to the “other” toaster at the “other” (gluten free) area, unwittingly contaminating it.
Besides…isn’t it more fun to use the toaster bags (special bags you place gluten free bread in that act as a barrier against contamination in a gluten-laden, regular bread, public-use or private-use toaster? You know, when people come sprinting over to inform you that you’re going to burn the place down? The teachable moments never end for celiacs.
I second what Brendygirl said. I love the idea of having gluten-free breakfast, but I don’t know that I would trust the other hotel customers to recognize that THIS TOASTER IS NOT FOR THEM and that they SHOULD NOT USE IT AT ALL COSTS.
But I have not heard of those toaster bags. That sounds pretty sweet! Where do you get them?