Tag Archives: Soy sauce

The Truth About Soy for a Gluten-Free Diet

Is soyglutenfreesafesoy safe and healthy if you’re gluten-free? Do you consider soy milk to be healthier than regular milk? Do you worry about GMO soy? Or perhaps you’re concerned about rumors of soy being dangerous and disruptive to your hormones?

These are all great questions I find myself answering often. Though I don’t believe the story on soy is quite as cut and dry as some out there (like those in the Paleo world), I firmly feel that those of us who are gluten-free for whatever the reason —be it celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, thyroid issues or autoimmune problems— have tremendous reason to be wary and skeptical of the notion that soy is a safe alternative to Read More »

Gluten-free Round Up: Product and Restaurant News of the Week

The world of gluten-free is just bursting with news this month.  It almost seems like there is more going on this month than the last quarter of 2010.  Great new for the gluten-free community, but it definitely makes it harder to keep up with the onslaught of new information.

Photo: Kikkomanusa.com

Listed below is the gluten-free news this Examiner has heard about this past week.

  • Breads from Anna is getting ready to launch two new gluten-free mixes: Black Bean Brownie and Pizza Crust.  More details can be found here.  


  • Kikkoman’s new gluten-free soy sauce is a Tamari-style soy sauce brewed with rice instead of wheat. Take note, though, that the sodium content (960 mg per one-tablespoon serving) is high compared with reduced-sodium, gluten-free soy sauces produced bySan-JLa Choy and Kari-Out.  Thanks for Gluten Free Philly for the information.

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