Tag Archives: Sauce

Gluten Free Gravy Recipe

If you think making homemade gravy is harder than the SAT’s, think again.

Instead of using a gluten-based roux (butter and flour), start using slurries.

A slurry is a combination of a starch and cold water (equal parts) which are mixed into a hot liquid like chicken or turkey broth.

The ratio that I use which seems to work well is: Read More »

Homemade Gluten-Free Mayonnaise Recipe – Food Processor Method

gluten free mayonnaise

Gluten Free Mayonnaise Image. 2013 (c) Teri Gruss

Mayonnaise is a kitchen staple that adds rich flavor and binds ingredients in dishes from tuna salad to crab cakes.

If you’ve ever tasted homemade mayonnaise, you know that the rich flavor and silky texture is nothing like what we buy at the grocery store. There are many good reasons to learn how to make homemade mayonnaise, first and foremost because it’s incredibly easy and calls for ingredients that most of us have on hand every day. Read More »