Tag Archives: Resources

Gluten Free Soapbox: Say NO to “Meanies” in Forums

So many boxes, so little time… [taliesin/Morguefile

For this week’s gluten free soapbox we go back to the forums. Those online “support groups” that are supposed to be a place of sharing, healing and camaraderie. People log on to the gluten free forums to talk about their troubles and make friends who are struggling with the same issues they are. That is why I am so disturbed today.

Something I’ve noticed happening every so often (not constantly, but too much) is the sarcasm and derision thrown at Read More »

Gluten Free & Celiac Support Group Search

Please choose a state to find a support group near you.

District of Columbia

Gluten Free Tweeting – Using Twitter to Support Your Gluten Free Lifestyle

Well I’m back from wedded bliss. I’ve gone to the grocery after having not done so for 2 mos. I’ve cooked two meals this week. Not even sure when that last happened.  I’m back to eating gluten free all over Austin. As my first post back, I want to talk about an invaluable gluten free resource: Twitter.

I avoided Twitter for years because I just didn’t get the purpose. In addition, I didn’t want one more internet site to keep up with. Facebook & email were quite enough for me. However, an Austin gluten free friend changed my mind. At lunch one day, she told me the gluten free (or vegan, dairy free, etc) community is extremely strong and vocal on Twitter. I joined and quickly discovered Read More »

Gluten-Free iPhone and iPod Apps

The Summer 2010 issue of Delight Gluten-Free magazine featured an amazing article entitled Digital Delights. I am a huge lover of Apple computers and iPods, but still pro-Blackberry. It’s apps like these that make me think about switching. The following information was taken directly from the article.

Best For Newcomers: Gluten-Free Groceries by Triumph Dining, Cost: $17.99

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Greater Philadelphia Celiac Support Group

Independent celiac support group for people in the Philadelphia region. http://greaterphillyceliac.com/


Karen Dalrymple RN, BS
583 Valley View Road
Langhorne, PA 19047
(215) 757-1233

Alice Bast
Executive Director, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness

Meetings are held twice a year at Abington Memorial Hospital. AMH is located at 1200 Old York Road, Abington, PA 19001 in the Lenfest Auditorium. Doors open at 5:45 pm to enable you to visit all of the vendors and speak with other celiac buddies. The meeting starts at 7:30 pm.

All newly diagnosed celiacs who are interested in joining the Greater Philadelphia Celiac Sprue Support Group please contact Karen Dalrymple at (215) 757-1233.

Gluten Free Way 105 Support Group – Serving California Interstate 105 Cities

(http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/GFW105/), serving many Los Angeles cities/communities near Interstate 105, such as: Athens, Bellflower, Compton, Downey, Florence-Graham, Fox Hills, Harbor Gateway North, Hollydale, Huntington Park, Hyde Park, Inglewood, Lennox, Lynwood, Norwalk, Paramount, Rancho Dominguez, South L.A., Southgate, Studebaker, Walnut Park, Watts, Westchester, Westmont, and Willowbrook.