Tag Archives: Ranch

Vegan Creamy Ranch Quinoa Salad Recipe

Did you have a good weekend?

Kevin and I had initially planned to go to Calaway Park, but it ended up raining all weekend so we decided to stay home and organize the house! Sounds much better than going to a theme park, right? *rolls eyes*

It’s amazing how much stuff a person can accumulate over the years, isn’t it? I was surprised to learn that we have 11 boxes of Christmas things – lights, decorations, stockings, etc. That’s more than we have boxes of books, or clothes! There’s something wrong with this picture, no?

Come Sunday afternoon, we had made two trips to the goodwill center, organized the basement, our offices and the garage, and were absolutely drop-dead starving! Kevin kept himself busy sorting through a box of old photos while I prepared a big salad for the two of us. We met in the living room just off the kitchen, sat on the floor with the dogs, and Read More »

Gluten-free Homemade Ranch Dip or Dressing Recipe

Copyright (c) 2011 Amy Fothergill

I was sitting at the table, reviewing one of my recipes which had not been tested yet for my cookbook. Ranch dressing is one of those items you would assume would be gluten-free until you look at the label. Then you also might see all of the other ingredients that aren’t so appealing.

My kids are big fans of ranch dressing so I thought, why not try it right now?  I normally don’t make everything from scratch but I was curious to see if it was worth it to make my own.

Assuming you have the ingredients in your kitchen (which I usually do), this can be whipped up in less than 5 minutes. It’s always better if it sets but if you can’t wait, don’t worry, it’s still great.

When I made it, I called the kids over for a taste test. They grabbed some carrots from the fridge and dug in. My son then announced Read More »