Tag Archives: Gluten free casein free diet

Gluten-free Homemade Ranch Dip or Dressing Recipe

Copyright (c) 2011 Amy Fothergill

I was sitting at the table, reviewing one of my recipes which had not been tested yet for my cookbook. Ranch dressing is one of those items you would assume would be gluten-free until you look at the label. Then you also might see all of the other ingredients that aren’t so appealing.

My kids are big fans of ranch dressing so I thought, why not try it right now?  I normally don’t make everything from scratch but I was curious to see if it was worth it to make my own.

Assuming you have the ingredients in your kitchen (which I usually do), this can be whipped up in less than 5 minutes. It’s always better if it sets but if you can’t wait, don’t worry, it’s still great.

When I made it, I called the kids over for a taste test. They grabbed some carrots from the fridge and dug in. My son then announced Read More »

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Zucchini Mini-Muffin Recipe

Gluten free chocolate chip zucchini mini muffinsZucchini is a veggie that you can easily add to just about anything, and that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing with it. Grated, it makes a wonderful “raw” pasta substitute, I love it lightly stir-fried with other veggies, it’s delicious sauteed and added to salads, omelets, or whatever else is cooking, and then of course there’s always zucchini bread. My grandmother used to make it every summer. She would bake it in loaves, and then sandwich softened cream cheese between thin slices. It tasted like cake, and I suppose it practically was the way she made it. YUM.

I started looking online for gluten free zucchini bread recipes, and I came across some zucchini mini muffins with chocolate chips over on Elana’s Pantry. I love that website, and I have her Gluten Free Almond Flour cookbook, which I use regularly. She now also has a Gluten-Free Cupcakes book, which is now on my wish list, if anyone is feeling generous.

But I digress. Here is the original Gluten Free Zucchini Chocolate Chip Mini Muffins recipe, and the only things I changed were my typical substitutions using Read More »

Easy Crushed Gluten Free Candy Cane Cake Recipe

gluten free candy cane cakesCandy canes can make any cake or cupcake turn into a magical winter treat. All you need to do is take some gluten-free candy canes (click here to see my favorite brand) and crush them up.  Sprinkle them on top of your favorite frosted treat and you will end up with a beautiful creation that looks like it is from a bakery.

Some of my favorite ways to use the candy canes:

1.  Make a vanilla cake from your favorite mix.  Add 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract to the batter.  Bake and allow to cool.  Frost with frosting (I like the Betty Crocker canned frostings).  Sprinkle with crushed candy canes. Read More »

Fox News Video: Boy with Autism Recovers After Gluten-free Casein-free Diet

Ethan Fox never slept more than two hours at a time.  He did not speak.  He ran continuously, day and night, until he would collapse from exhaustion.  After a short nap, he would awaken and run again. 

At one year of age, Ethan was diagnosed with autism.  At 20 months, after being written off by other physicians, he was placed on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet by Dr. Kenneth Bock, autism specialist and author of “What Your Family Needs To Know About Autism Spectrum Disorders.”

According to Ethan’s mother, Tracy Fox, results were seen within three days on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. Ethan slept through the night, spoke his first words and has never had a problem since.  Now age 6, he is at the top of his class at school with a 97%  average…and virtually no one knows he was ever diagnosed with autism.

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New Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cookbook Supports Autism Speaks, Brings Smiles

[Editor’s Note: June 4, 2012 Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cooking Made Easy is currently out of stock. The book is being made into an e-book and will be coming out soon!]

Can news of a cookbook make someone smile? It can if the recipes it provides helps change a life…

“I am sitting here listening to my daughter in her speech class just thinking
how this gluten free diet is making such changes. Brings tears to my eyes.
I will purchase that new cookbook with a smile.” -Courtney

As more and more people come to realize the benefits of a gluten-free, dairy-free diet for autism and general health, the brand new cookbook, “Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cooking Made Easy,” is set to produce smiles like Courtney’s across the country and around the world.

Published by Gluten Free Works, this handy book is making it easy to understand and prepare wonderful gluten-free and dairy-free meals that meet individual nutritional needs. Read More »

Jenny McCarthy Is Gluten- and Dairy-Free and in Shape

In Shape magazine, that is — on the cover of the May issue. Actress, author, autism activist, and mother Jenny McCarthy said she ballooned to 211 pounds after the birth of her son, who’s now 6 years old. Weight Watchers helped her slim down since it taught her about portion control and to be conscious of what she eats.


Then three years ago she switched to a diet that’s gluten- and dairy-free, to match her son Evan’s diet. Not only did it help her shed even more weight, but it’s greatly improved her son’s autism symptoms. A typical day consists of an egg white omelet for breakfast, then for lunch and dinner she enjoys fresh fruit and veggies (she purées them to make her own soups) with fish. For snacks she loves “those little packets of nuts from Starbucks.” Jenny also stays strong and flexible by practicing yoga, and is even trying to teach it to her honey, Jim Carrey. Check out the May issue of Shape for her 15-minute yoga sculpting workout.

Source: http://www.fitsugar.com:80/2971971