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- Adipose (Fat) Disorders
- Adrenal Gland Disorders
- Antibody Disorders
- Biliary Tract Disorders
- Bladder Disorders
- Blood Cell Disorders
- Blood Plasma Disorders
- Blood Vessel Disorders
- Bone Disorders
- Brain Disorders
- Esophagus Disorders
- Eye Disorders
- Female Disorders
- Hair Disorders
- Heart Disorders
- Joint Disorders
- Kidney Disorders
- Large Intestine Disorders
- Larynx Disorders
- Liver Disorders
- Lung Disorders
- Lymph Node Disorders
- Lymphocyte Disorders
- Mouth Disorders
- Muscle Disorders
- Nail Disorders
- Nose Disorders
- Pancreas Disorders
- Parathyroid Disorders
- Peripheral Nerve Disorders
- Pharynx Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Small Intestine Disorders
- Spine Disorders
- Spleen Disorders
- Stomach Disorders
- Taste Disorder
- Testes Disorder
- Thyroid Gland Disorder
- New Life
- System – Blood
- System – Body Composition
- System – Cardiovascular
- System – Digestive
- System – Female Reproductive
- System – Glandular
- System – Immune
- System – Integumentary (body surfaces)
- System – Lymphatic
- System – Male Reproductive
- System – Muscle
- System – Nervous
- System – Pulmonary
- System – Sensory
- System – Skeletal
- System – Urinary
- Subscriber Newsletter
- Uncategorized
- (Low Blood Magnesium)
- (Low Blood Prothrombin)
- (Low Potassium Blood Level)
- (PMS)
- 2015
- Abcess
- Abdominal Cavity
- Abdominal Cramps
- Abdominal Discomfort
- Abdominal Distention
- Abdominal Mass
- Abdominal Pain
- Abdominal Pain. Watery Diarrhea
- Abnormal Blood Values in Childhood
- Abnormal C-Reactive Protein Level
- Abnormal Clotting
- Abnormal Electromyograph
- Abnormal Eye Movement
- Abnormal Milk Flow
- Abnormal Physical Features
- Abnormal Saliva
- Abnormal Sed Rate
- Abnormally Short Pregnancy
- Achy Hips
- Achy Knees
- Achy Spine
- Acne
- Acquired Ichthyosis
- Acute Abdominal Pain
- Acute Diarrhea
- Addison's Disease
- Adenocarcinoma of Small Intestine
- Adenoma
- Adipocyte
- Adipose (Fat) Disorders
- Aggression
- Agitation
- Agression
- Albumin
- Albumin Deficiency
- Alcohol
- Alcoholic Drinks
- All
- All Systems
- Allergens
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Allergies
- Allergy
- Aloofness
- Alopecea Areata
- Alopecia
- Alopecia (Thin Hair)
- Alopecia Areata
- Alopecia Areata (Hair Loss)
- Alopecia Diffuse
- Alpha Linolenic Acid
- Alpha Linolenic Acid Deficiency
- Alpha-Lipoic Acid
- Amalgam (metal) Dental Fillings
- Amenorrhea
- Amino Acid Deficiency
- Amylase
- and Abdominal Pain
- and Carbohydrates
- Androgen
- Anemia
- Anger
- Angina
- Angina Pectoris
- Anorexia
- Anti-Cancer
- Anti-Endomysium Antibodies (EMA) Present
- Anti-Gliadin Antibodies
- Anti-Gliadin Antibodies (AGA) Present
- Anti-gliadin IgG Antibodies
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-oxidant
- Anti-tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies (tTG) Present
- Antibody Disorders
- Anticoagulant Antibodies
- Antioxidant
- Antiphospholipid Syndrome
- anxiety
- Any
- Aorta Swelling
- Aorta Thickening
- Aortic calcification. Mitral Calcification
- Aortic Disease
- Aortic Vasculitis
- Aortic Vasculitis Causing Midaortic Syndrome
- Apathy
- Aphthus Ulcers and Non-Aphthus Ulcers
- Apparant Laziness
- Appetite Loss
- Apprehension
- April 17
- Arachidonic Acid
- Arachidonic Acid Deficiency
- Arteriosclerosis
- Arthralgia
- Arthritis
- Ascorbate
- Ascorbic Acid
- Associated Disorder of Celiac Disease
- Associated Disorders
- Asthma
- Ataxia
- Ataxia - Gait Disturbance
- Atherosclerosis
- Atherosclerosis (Hardening of Arteries
- Atonic Uterine Bleeding
- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Learning Disabilities
- Atypical
- Atypical Disorder
- Atypical Symptom of Celiac Disease
- Auotimmune
- Autism and Learning Disabilities
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Auto-antibodies
- Auto-immune
- Auto-Immune Liver Disease
- Auto-immune Reaction
- autoantibodies
- Autoimmune Antibodies
- Autoimmune Cholangitis
- Autoimmune Cholangitis (Antimitochondrial Antibody-Negative Primary Biliary Cirrhosis)
- Autoimmune Disease
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Autoimmune Disorders in Celiac Disease
- Autoimmune Disorders in Dermatitis Herpetiformis
- Autoimmune Hepatitis
- Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndromes
- Autoimmune Risk
- Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia
- Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
- Autoimmune Thyroiditis
- Autoimmunity
- Autommune Disorder
- B Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- B Lymphocytes or B Cells
- B Vitamin Deficiency
- B Vitamins
- B-Cells
- B-Complex
- B-Complex Vitamin B12
- Bacteria
- Balding
- Barley
- Barrett's Esophagus
- Basal ganglia
- Beard
- Bedwetting
- Belching
- Bifidobacteria Micobiota
- Bilateral Uveitis
- Bile Acids
- Bile Loss
- Biliary Tract Disorders
- Biopsy
- Biotin
- Bipolar Disorder
- Birth Defects
- Bisphosphonate Drugs
- Bitot's Spots
- Bizarre Behavior
- Black Tarry Stool
- Black Tongue
- Bladder Infection
- Bleeding
- Bleeding and/or Swollen Gums
- Bleeding Gums
- Bleeding Under the Nail
- Blindness
- Blistering Rash
- Bloating
- Blood Buffer
- Blood Cell Disorder
- Blood Cell Disorders
- Blood Cells
- Blood Clot
- Blood Clots
- Blood Clotting
- Blood Disorders
- Blood Flow
- Blood in Urine
- Blood Plasma Disorder
- Blood Plasma Disorders
- Blood Pressure
- Blood System
- Blood System Cardiovascular System
- Blood Vessel Disorders
- Bloodshot Eyes
- Bloody Sputum
- Bluish-Black Discoloration of Areolas
- Bluish-Black Discoloration of Mucous Membranes
- Blurred Vision
- Blurry Vision
- Blurry Vision. Sores at Corners of Mouth. Reddening of Lips
- Body Composition System
- Body Systems
- Bone Cysts
- Bone Disorders
- Bone Fracture
- Bone Fractures
- Bone Loss
- Bone Mineral Density
- Bone pain
- Bone Strength
- Bone Tenderness
- Bone Tumors
- Bone Weakness
- Borborygmi
- Boron
- Boron Deficiency
- Bow Legs
- Bowel changes
- Brain Atrophy
- Brain Blood Flow Abnormalities
- Brain Degeneration
- Brain Development
- Brain Disorders
- brain fog
- Brain Fog (Faulty Thinking)
- Brain Fog. Irritability
- Brain Injury
- Bran
- Breast Disorders
- Brisk Reflexes
- Brisk Tendon Reflexes
- Brittle Nails
- Bronchiectasis
- Bronchitis
- Bronchoalveolitis
- Bronchospasm
- Brown Bone Tumors
- Bruising
- Bruxism
- Bulky
- Burniing Tongue
- Burning
- Burning Esophagus
- Burning Mouth
- Burning Pain
- Burning Rash
- Burning Throat
- Burning Tongue
- BurningThroat
- Butterfly Rash
- Butts in Conversation
- Cachexia
- Caffeine
- Calcinosis
- Calcium
- Calcium Deficiency
- Calcium Supplementation.
- Calorie Malnutrition
- Cancer
- Cancer of the Esophagus
- Cancer of the Pharynx
- Cancer Predisposition in Children
- Cancer Risk
- Cancers
- Candida
- Candida Albicans Mucosal Infection
- Candidiasis
- Carbohydrate
- Carbohydrate Cravings
- carbohydrate Deficiency
- Carbohydrate Digestion
- Carbohydrate Malabsorption
- Carbohyrate Cravings
- Cardiomegaly
- Cardiomyopathy
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Cardiovascular System
- Careless
- Carnitine Deficiency
- Carotinoids
- Carpelpedal Spasms
- Cataracts
- Causes Death
- Celiac Disease
- Cerebellum Disorders
- Cerebral Perfusion Abnormalities
- Cerebral Vascular Disease
- Cerebrum (Neurologic) Disorders
- Chapped lips
- Cheilosis
- Cheliosis
- Chest Pain
- Chest Tightness
- Childhood Disorders
- Children
- Chills
- Chip
- Cholesterol
- Chorea
- Chromium
- Chromium Deficiency
- Chromosome
- Chronic Abdominal Distention
- Chronic Abdominal Pain
- Chronic Bloodshot Eyes
- Chronic Bullous Dermatosis of Childhood
- Chronic Candida Infection
- Chronic Cough
- Chronic Diarrhea
- Chronic Fatigue / Lassitude
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Hyperglycemia
- Chronic Maladaptive Anxiety
- Chronic Occult Bleeding
- Chronic Oral Mucosal Lesions
- Chronic Ulcerative Jejunitis
- Chronic Urticaria
- Cirrhosis
- Classic Symptom
- Cleft Lip
- Clinical Trial
- Cloudy Vision
- Clubbing of Fingers
- Clumsiness
- Co-Q 10 Enzyme
- Cognition
- Coiled Hair
- Cold Intolerance
- Colitis
- Collagen
- Collagenous Colitis
- Collagenous Gastritis
- Colon
- Coma
- Common Variable Immunodeficiency
- Complication of Celiac Disease
- Confusion
- Congenital Anomalies
- Congenital Disorders
- Conjunctiva
- Connective Tissue Disorder
- Considerable Weight Loss
- Constant Fatigue
- Constipation
- Constipation Alternating with Diarrhea
- Convulsion
- Convulsions/Seizures
- Copper
- Copper Deficiency
- Cornea
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Cortical Calcifying Angiomatosis
- Cough
- Coughing
- Crack or Break Easily
- Cracking Skin
- Cramping Abdominal Pain
- Cramping Pain in Legs on Walking
- Cramps
- Crohn's Disease
- Cryptic Intestinal T-cell Lymphoma (Refractory Sprue)
- Curly Graying Hair
- Cutaneous Vasculitis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Cytokines
- Dark and Excessively Dry
- Dark Freckles
- Darkening of Skin
- deamidated-gliadin-peptide (DGP-IgG)
- Death
- Debilitating
- Decreased Antibody Production
- Decreased Fertility in Males
- Decreased Thinking Skills
- Decreased Urine
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Defects in Fetal Development
- Definition.
- Dehydation
- Dehydration
- Delayed Gastric Emptying
- Delayed Menarche
- Delayed Puberty in Boys
- Delayed Puberty in Girls
- Delayed Puberty.
- Delusions
- Dementia
- Demyelination
- Dental Caries
- Dental Cavities
- Dental Enamel Defects
- Depression
- Dermatitis
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Childhood
- Dermatomyositis
- Detoxification
- Developmental Delay
- DEXA scan
- DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acid
- Diabetes
- Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
- Diabetic Instability
- Diagnosis
- Diarrhea
- Dictionary
- Diet Guide
- Difficult Stool Evacuation
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Difficulty Eating
- Difficulty Making Friendships
- Difficulty Speaking
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Difficulty Tasting
- Difficulty Urinating
- Diffuse Alopecia
- Digestive System
- Digestive System Disorder
- Digestive System. Immune System
- Digestive Tract
- Digital Gangrene
- Diminished Intellect
- Disorganized Behavior
- Disorganized Speech
- Disorientation
- Distorted Taste
- DIY Health
- Dizziness
- DNA Repair
- Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Deficiency
- Double Vision
- Down Syndrome
- Drooping Eyelids
- Drowsiness
- Drug Effects
- Drugs
- Dry
- Dry and Brittle Nails
- Dry Cough
- Dry Eyes
- Dry Hair
- Dry Mouth
- Dry Rough Skin
- Dry Skin
- Dry Skin. Dry Hair
- Duodenal Erosions in the Second Part of the Duodenum
- Duodenum
- Dysarthria
- Dysbiosis
- Dysgeusia
- Dysguesia
- Dyslexia
- Dysmenorrhea
- Dyspareunia
- Dyspepsia
- Dysphagia
- Dyspnea
- Dyspraxia
- Ear Pain
- Early Fullness Upon Eating
- Early Menopause
- Easily Distracted
- Easily Frustrated
- Easy Bleeding
- Easy Bruising
- Easy Frustration
- Ecchymosis
- Ecchymosis - Easy Bruising
- Eclampsia
- Eczema
- Edema
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Deficiency
- Electrolytes
- Elevated Blood Pressure
- Elevated Bone Alkaline Phosphatase
- Elevated Bone Alkaline Phosphatase (BALP)
- Elevated BUN
- Elevated Homocysteine
- Elevated Homocysteine Level
- Elevated Liver Enzymes
- Elevated Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
- Elevated Triglycerides
- Emicrania
- Emotional Ups and Downs
- Encapsulated Bacterial Infection
- Endocrine
- Endometriosis
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy Procedure
- Endosperm
- Energy
- Energy Metabolism
- Enteropathic Arthritis
- Enteropathy-Associated T cell Lymphoma (EATL)
- Enzyme
- Enzymopathies
- EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
- EPA Defiency
- EPA omega fatty acid
- Epigastric Pain
- Epilepsy
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Eructation
- Erythema Elevatum Diutinum (EED)
- Erythema Nodosum
- Erythritol Sugar
- Esophageal Cancer
- Esophageal Motor Abnormalities
- Esophageal Reflux
- Esophageal Small Cell Cancer
- Esophageal Small Cell Carcinoma
- Esophageal Webs
- Esophagitis
- Esophagus Disorders
- Especially Tryptophan
- Essential Amino Acid Deficiency
- Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Estrogen
- Excessive Bleeding
- Excessive Clotting
- Excessive Sleep
- Excessive Thirst
- Exocrine
- Exocrine Glands
- Extraintestinal Lymphomas
- Extreme Anxiety
- Extreme Weakness
- Eye
- Eye Disorders
- Eye Flashes
- Eye Floaters
- Eye Pain
- Eye Sensitivity to Light
- Facial Edema/Puffiness
- Facial Tics
- Facila Swelling
- Failure of Sexual Maturity
- Failure to Achieve Normal Height
- Failure to Gain Weight in a Child
- Failure to Grow Normally before Birth
- Failure to Thrive
- Failure to Thrive and Growth Retardation
- Faintness
- Falls
- False Negative Antibody Test for Celiac Disease
- Fast Blood Clotting
- Fast Foods
- Fast Heart Rate
- Fat
- Fat Deficiency
- Fat digestion
- Fat Malabsorption
- Fat Soluble
- Fat Soluble Vitamin
- Fatigue
- Fatigue. Irritability
- Fear
- Fecal Occult Blood in Children
- Feelings of Guilt
- Feelings of Worthlessness
- Feet Hurt
- Female Infertility
- Female Reproduction
- Ferritin
- Fetal Abnormalities
- Fetus
- Fever
- Fiber
- Fibrinolysis (Clot Busting)
- Fibrosis
- Fidgets
- Fingernails
- Fitness
- Flaccid Muscles
- Flaky Skin
- Flat Affect
- Flat Mood
- Flatulence
- Floppy Baby
- Floppy Child
- Folate
- folate Deficiency
- Folate Dficiency
- Folic Acid
- Folic Acid (Folate) Deficiency
- Folic Acid Deficiency
- Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
- Folic Acid Vitamin K
- Follicular Hyperkeratosis
- Food Allergy - IgE and Non IgE
- Food Sensitivities
- Food Sensitivity
- Food Stuck in Esophagus
- Forgetfullness
- Foul-Smelling
- Foul-Smelling Stool
- FoxP3+ T cells
- Fragile Nails
- Free Radicals
- Frequent Infections
- Frequent Need to Urinate
- Frequent Urination
- Fullness in Ears
- Fungal Infections
- Gagging
- Galactorrhea
- Gallstones
- Gas
- Gastric Ulcer
- Gastritis
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- Gastrointestinal Complications in Type I Diabetes Mellitus
- Gastrointestinal Virus
- Gastroscopy
- Generalized Acquired Cutis Laxa
- Genetic Disorders
- Geographic Tongue
- Germ
- Gestation
- Gingivitis
- Glands
- Glandular System
- Gllossary
- Glossary.
- Glucagon
- Glucocorticoids
- Glucose
- Glucose deficiency
- Glutamine
- Gluten Ataxia
- Gluten Free Diet
- Gluten Free Diet & Health Guide
- Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy
- Gluten Sensitivity
- Gluten Substitutes
- Glycogenic Acanthosis
- Goiter
- Gottron's Papules
- Granular IgA Deposits
- Granulocytic Hypersegmentation Neutropenia
- Granuloma
- Gray Skin. Bronze Skin
- Green Tea
- Grey Teeth
- Grooves in Tooth Enamel
- Growth Retardation
- Growth Retardation in Children
- H. Pylori Infection
- Hair Diameter Lower and Cuticolar Erosion Scores Higher
- Hair Disorders
- Hair Loss
- Halitosis
- Hallucinations
- hangnail
- Hard Stool
- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
- HDL Cholesterol
- Head Pain
- Headache
- Headaches
- Health Conditions
- Health Guide
- Heart Abnormalities
- Heart Arrythmia
- Heart Arrythmias
- Heart Attack
- Heart Chambers
- Heart Disorders
- Heart Dysrhythmias
- Heart Failure
- Heart Musle
- Heartburn
- Heavy Menstrual Periods
- Heavy Metal
- Helicobacter Pylori Infection
- Heliotope Rash
- Hematuria
- Hemiparesis
- Hemochromatosis
- Hemolytic
- Hemolytic Anemia
- Hemoptysis
- Hemorrhage
- Hemorrhoids
- Hepatic Granulomatous Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- High Fat/Sugar Diet
- High White Blood Cell Count
- Histidine
- Hives
- Hoaresness (Rough Voice)
- Hoarseness
- Homocysteine Elevated
- Homocysteine Level Elevated
- Horizontal and Vertical Ridges
- Hunger
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Hydrogen Gas
- Hypercalcemia
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
- Hyperkalemia
- Hyperkeratosis
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hyperpigmentation of Skin
- Hyperprolactinemia
- Hyperreflexia
- Hypertension
- Hyperthyroidism – Grave’s Disease
- Hypertransaminasemia
- Hypocalcemia
- Hypocalciuria
- Hypoglcemia
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypogonadism
- Hypokalemia
- Hypokalemic Rhabdomyolysis
- Hypokalemic Rhabdomyolysis in Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hyponatremia
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Hypophosphatemia
- Hypopigmentation
- Hypoproteinemia
- Hypoprothrombinemia
- Hyposplenism
- Hypotension
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypothyroidism - Autoimmune Thyroiditis
- Hypotonia
- Hypoxia
- Hysteria
- Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Idiopathic Hypoparathyroidism
- Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
- Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- IgA (Immunoglobulin A) Antibodies
- IgA Deficiency
- IgA Deficiency (IgAD)
- IgA Nephropathy
- IgE Reaction
- Immature Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Immune
- Immune Disorder
- Immune Disorders
- Immune Function
- Immune Reaction
- Immune Response
- Immune System
- Immunity
- Immunosupressant Drugs
- Impaired Adenalin Production
- Impaired Blood Clotting
- Impaired Blood Flow to Brain
- Impaired Cognition
- Impaired Collagen Production
- Impaired Elastin Production
- Impaired Gall Bladder Motility
- Impaired Growth in Children
- Impaired Immunity
- Impaired Lactation
- Impaired Memory
- Impaired Sight
- Impaired Smell
- Impaired sperm production
- Impaired Taste
- Impaired Thinking
- Impaired Thyroid Function
- Impaires Taste
- Imperfect Tooth Enamel
- Impotence
- Impulsive
- Inability to Become Pregnant
- Inability to Concentrate
- Inability to Lose Weight
- Inability to Stand
- Inability to Walk
- Inappropriate Affect
- Inattention
- Inattentiveness
- Increase Muscles
- Increased Appetite
- Increased Blood Pressure
- Increased Body Fat
- Increased Fat Storage
- Increased Homocysteine Level (Hyperhomocysteinuria)
- Increased Intestinal Permeability
- Increased Pulmonary Permeability
- Increased Sed Rate
- Increased Susceptibilty to Infection
- Increased Triglyceride Production
- Indigestion
- Inefficient Labor with Dystocia
- Infection
- Infections of Skin and Mucous Membranes
- Infertility
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Inflammatory Disorder
- Inflammatoy Response to Gluten
- Inherited
- Injury
- Insomnia
- Insulin
- Insulin Sensitivity
- Integumentary (body surfaces) System
- Integumentary (body surfaces) System. Nervous System
- Intellectual Deterioration
- Intermittent Diarrhea and Constipation
- Interpersonal Conflicts
- Intestinal Biopsy
- Intestinal Edema
- Intestinal Spasm
- Intolerance for Change
- Intracranial Hypertension
- Intracranial Hypetension
- Intractable Diarrhea
- Intraepithelial Lymphocytes (IELs)
- Intraepithelial Lymphocytosis in Small Bowel Samples
- Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- Involuntary Movements
- Iodine
- Iron
- Iron Deficiency
- Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Irregular Breathing
- Irregular Heartbeat
- Irregular Heartbeat (Premature Ventricular and Atrial Contractions)
- Irregular Menstrual Periods
- Irritability
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Ischemia
- Isoleucine Deficiency
- Itching
- Itching Eyes
- Itching of EyeLight Sensitivity of Eyes
- Itching or Teary Eyes
- Itching Skin
- Itchy Eyes
- Itchy Nose
- Itchy Rash
- Itchy Scalp
- Itchy Skin Rash
- Itchy Throat
- Jaundice
- JC Virus
- Jejunum
- Joint
- Joint Disorders
- Joint Pain
- Joint Poblems
- Joint Problems
- Joint Stiffness in Morning
- Joint Swelling
- Juvenile Autoimmune Thyroid Disease
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Keratin
- Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca
- Keratoderma
- Keratomalacia
- Keratomalacia Sicca Syndrome
- Ketoacidosis
- Kidney Disorders
- Kidney Stones
- Knock Knees
- Koilonychia
- L-alpha lipoic acid
- Lack of Concern
- Lack of Exercise
- Lack of Facial Hair
- Lack of Insight
- Lack of Pubic Hair
- Lactase
- Lactobacillus
- Lactose
- Lactose Intolerance
- Lane-Hamilton Syndrome
- Large Intestinal Inflammation
- Large Intestine Disorders
- Laryngospasm
- Larynx Disorder
- Larynx Disorders
- Lassitude
- Late Menarche
- LDL cholesterol
- Leaky Gut
- Lemon Color Skin
- LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter)
- Lethargy
- Leucine
- Leucine Deficiency
- Life-Threatening Infections
- Lightheadedness
- Lightheadedness or Faintness
- Lilac Skin Rash
- Limp Muscles
- Limping
- Linear IgA Dermatosis
- Linoleic Acid Deficiency
- Lipase
- Lipids
- Livedo Reticularis
- Liver Disorders
- Liver Enlargement
- Liver Enzymes
- Liver Failure
- Liver Tenderness
- Localized Pain Relieved by Food
- Loss of Appetite
- Loss of Eyebrows
- Loss of Eyelashes
- Loss of Interest
- Loss of Smell
- Loss of Taste
- Loss of Vitality
- Low Albumin
- Low Basal Metabolism
- Low Birth Weight of Newborn
- Low Blood Calcium
- Low Blood Glucose
- Low Blood Phosphate Level
- Low Blood Potassium
- Low Blood Pressure
- Low Blood Sugar
- Low Cholesterol
- Low Coagulation Factors
- Low Milk Production in Breast Feeding
- Low Morale
- Low Mucous Production
- Low Plasma Proteins
- Low Plasma Proteins (Albumin)
- Low Platelets
- Low Potassium
- Low Sperm
- Low Sperm Count
- Low Stomach Acid
- Low Stomach Acid Low
- Low Stomach Acid Low Plasma Proteins
- Low Strength
- Low White Blood Cell Count
- Low White Blood Cell Production
- Low White Blood Cells
- Lower Quality of Life
- Lowered Resistance to Infection
- Lump in the Throat
- Lump in Throat
- Lung Congestion
- Lung Disorders
- Lung Failure
- Lung mucosa
- Lungs Cavities or Abcess
- Lupus Erthematosus
- Lutein
- Lycopene
- Lymph
- Lymph Node
- Lymph Node Disorders
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymphocyte
- Lymphocyte Disorders
- Lymphocytic Colitis
- Lymphocytic Gastritis
- Lymphoma
- Lymphoma Risk
- Lymphopenia
- Lysine Deficiency
- Macroamylasemia
- Macrocytosis
- Macrolipasemia
- Macronutrients
- MagentaTongue
- Magnesium
- Magnesium Deficiency
- Malabsorption
- Malabsorption Deficiency
- Malabsorption of Fats
- Malaise
- Malbasorption
- Maldigestion
- Male Fertility
- Male Hypogonadism
- Male Infertility
- Male Reproduction
- Malformation
- Malnutirtion
- Malnutrition
- Maltase
- Maltose Intolerance
- Management
- Manganese
- Manganese Deficiency
- Mask-Like Face
- Mechanic's hands
- Medical Research Study
- Medications
- Medicines
- Meibomian Glands
- Melanoma
- Melatonin
- Memory Problems
- Menstruation
- Mental Dullness
- Mental Retardation
- Mental Sluggishness
- Mercury toxicity
- Mesenteric Lymph Node Cavitation and Hyposplenism
- Mesentery
- Metabolic Disorder
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Metabolism
- Methane Gas
- Methionine Deficiency
- Microbiota
- Micronutrients
- Migraine
- Migraine Headache
- Migraine Headaches
- Milk Composition
- Milk Intolerance – Bovine Beta Casein Enteropathy
- Mind (Psychological) Disorders
- Mineralocorticoids
- Minerals
- Miscarriage
- Missing Tooth Enamel
- Mole
- Mood
- Mood Disorders
- Mood Swings
- Mouth Disorders
- Mouth Pain
- Mouth Sores
- Mouth Sores (Oral Mucosal Lesions) Chronic
- Mouth Ulcers
- Mucus in Stool
- Multijoint Pain
- Multiple Gastric Ulcerations
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muscle
- Muscle aches
- muscle atrophy
- Muscle Atropy (Loss)
- Muscle Control
- Muscle Cramps
- Muscle Cramps in Legs
- Muscle Degeneration
- Muscle Development
- Muscle Disorders
- Muscle Loss
- Muscle Pain
- Muscle Pain and Tenderness
- Muscle Spasm
- Muscle Spasm and Muscle Cramps
- Muscle Spasms
- Muscle Stiffness
- Muscle Wasting
- Muscle Weakness
- Muscular
- Muscular System
- Musle Mass
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Myocardial Function
- Myocardial Ischemia
- Myositis (Muscle Inflammation). Neuritis (Nerve Inflammation)
- Myxedema
- Nail Anatomy
- Nail Cuticle Overgrowth
- Nail Disorders
- Nail Matrix
- Nail Plate
- Nails - Chip
- Nails - Splinter Hemorrhages
- Nails - Vertical Ridges
- Nails - White Bands
- Nails - White Spots
- Nails Rounded with Curved Ends
- Nails Rounded with Curved Ends Dark and Excessively Dry
- Nails-Horizonal Ridges
- Nasal Obstruction
- Nasal Polyps
- Nasal Stuffiness
- Natural Killer Cells
- Nature of Foods
- Nausea
- Neck Mass
- Necrosis of Blood Vessels
- Negative Attitude
- Negativity
- Nerve Fibers
- Nerves
- Nervous
- Nervous System
- Nervous System Disorders
- Nervous System Function
- Nervousness
- Neurologic dysfunction
- Neuropathy
- Neutropenia
- Neutropenia - Granulocytic Hypersegmentation
- Neutrophils
- New Life
- Newsletter
- Niacin (vitamin B3)
- Niacin (Vitamin B3) Deficiency
- Niacin Absorption
- Niacin Deficiency
- Niacin Deficiency (B3)
- Night Blindness – Nyctalopia
- Night Coughing
- Night Sweats
- Nightblindness
- No Periods
- Non- Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- Non-Bloody Diarrhea
- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Non-Mobile Sperm
- Non-Productive Cough
- Nose Disorders
- Nosebleed
- Numbness
- Numbness and Pain if Feet
- Numbness in Hands and Feet
- Nutrient Deficiency
- Nutrients
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Nutritious Food
- Oats
- Obesity
- Obstetrical Complications
- Occipital Lobe Epilepsy with Cerebral Calcifications
- Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Ocular Myopathy
- Oligomenorrhea
- Omega Fatty Acid Deficiency
- Omega-3
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid
- Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Omega-3 Omega-6 Fatty Acids
- Omega-6 Fatty Acid
- Omega-6 Fatty Acid Deficiency
- Omega-6 Fatty Acids
- Oozing Rash
- Optic Nerve Swelling
- Oral Pain
- Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica
- Osteomalacia
- Osteomalacic Myopathy
- Osteonecrosis
- Osteopenia
- Osteopenia in Childhood
- Osteoporosis
- Ovary Disorders
- Overactive
- Pain
- Pain Arms and Legs
- Pain in Ears
- Pain Over Heart
- Painful nodules
- Painful Rash
- Painful Urination
- Pale
- Paleness
- Pallor
- Palpitations
- Palsy
- Pancreas Disorders
- Pancreatic Exocrine Deficiency
- Pancreatic Insufficiency
- Pancreatitis
- Paralysis
- Paranoia
- Parasthesia
- Parathesia
- Parathyroid Carcinoma
- Parathyroid Disorders
- Parathyroid Glands
- Parkinson-like Symptoms
- Patches of Hair Loss
- Pathogens
- Peel
- Pellegra
- Pelvic Pain
- Pelvis Pain
- Penicillin V Impaired Absorption in Children
- Pepsin
- Peptic Ulcer
- Pericardial Effusion
- Periodontal Disease
- Periorbital Edema
- Peripheral Nerve Disorders
- Peripheral Neuropathies
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Peristalsis
- Pernicious Anemia
- Persistent Sore Throat
- Personality Changes
- Petecchiae
- Petechiae
- Pharynx Disorders
- Phase I Research Trial
- Phase II Research Trial
- Phase III ResearchTrial
- Phenylalanine Deficiency
- Phosphorus
- Phosphorus Deficiency
- Photophobia
- Picky Appetite
- Pigeon Chest
- Pineapple
- Pitted Nails
- Pituitary Hormone Dysfunction
- Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
- Pityrosporum Yeast
- Placenta
- Plant Lectins
- Plaque
- Plasma and Cells
- Plasma Proteins
- Plasma Proteins - Low
- Platelets
- Pleurisy
- Plugged Hair Follicles
- Plummer-Vinson Syndrome (Iron Deficiency)
- Plummer-Vinson Syndrome Affecting Esophagus
- Pneumococal Septicemia
- Pneumonia
- Poikiloderma
- Polymyositis
- Polyneuropathy
- Polyphenols
- Poor Appetite
- Poor Concentration
- Poor Coordination
- Poor Digestion
- Poor Growth in Children
- Poor Gut Motility
- Poor Health
- poor judgment
- poor memory
- Poor Motility
- Poor Muscle Tone (Hypotonia)
- Poor Night Vision
- Poor Vision
- Poor Wound Healing
- Possible Bowel Obstruction
- Possible Hemorrhage
- Post-Cricoid Carcinoma
- Post-exertional Malaise
- Postbulbar Duodenal Ulceration and Stenosis
- Potassium
- Potassium Deficiency
- Potassium Malabsorption
- Pre-Eclampsia
- Prebiotics
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Birth
- Premature Birth
- Premature Graying
- Premature Menopause
- Premature Ventricular
- Premaure Atrial contractions.
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Present at Birth
- Preterm Delivery (Short Duration of Pregnancy)
- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Primary Hyperparathyroidism
- Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Probiotics
- Problem Swallowing
- Problems Controlling Stool
- Profound weakness
- Profuse Sweating
- Progesterone
- Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
- Progressive Myoclonic Ataxia
- Progressive Weight Loss
- Prolonged Pregnancy
- Prolonged Prothrombin Time
- Prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT)
- Prolonged Prothrombin Time (PTT)
- Proptosis
- Protease
- Protein
- Protein Deficiency
- Protein Digestion
- Protein Malabsorption
- Protein Malnutrition
- Proteins
- Proteinuria
- Prothrombin
- Prothrombin Time
- Proximal Muscle Weakness
- Prurigo Nodularis (Hyde’s Prurigo)
- Pruritic (Itchy) Skin Rash
- Pruritic Skin Rash
- Pseudotumor Cerebri
- Psoriasis
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- PT Out of Proportion to PTT
- Puerperium Complicated by Celiac Disease
- Pulmonary Hemorrhage
- Purple Rash
- Purplish Rash
- Purplish Tongue
- Purpura
- Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
- Pyridoxine Deficiency
- Pyridoxine Deficiency (B6)
- Rapid Breathing
- Rapid Heartbeat
- Rapid Pulse
- Rash Around Nails
- Recipe
- Rectal Itching
- Recurrent Infections
- Recurrent Miscarriage
- Recurrent Miscarriages
- Recurrent Monoarthritis
- Recurrent Sore Throats
- Red Lips
- Red Nodules
- Red Raised Rash
- Red Rash
- Red Skin Rash
- Red Tongue
- Redness
- Redness of Eyes
- Reduced Learning
- Reduced Memory
- Reduced Pregnancy Rate
- Reduced Semen Quality
- Refractory Celiac Disease
- Refractory Iron Deficiency Anemia in Childhood
- Refusal To Walk In Children
- Regurgitation
- Renal Calculi
- Renal Calculus - Kidney Stones
- Repeat Infection
- Reproductive
- Reproductive System
- Respiratory Failure
- Respiratory Infections
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Restlessness
- Retina
- Retina Dysfunction
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Reversible Hypertension
- Rhythmic Movements
- Riboflavin Absorption
- Riboflavin Deficiency (B2)
- Ribs Hurt
- Rickets
- Rough Nails
- Rough Skin
- Rye
- Safe Food List
- Salt Depletion
- Sandy Dry Eyes
- Sarcoidosis
- Saster Aging Skin
- Scaling Skin
- Scalp Tenderness
- Scaly Skin
- Scarring
- Scars
- Schizophrenia
- Schizophrenia Spectrum
- Schizophrenic Symptoms
- Scleroderma
- Sebaceous Glands
- Seborrhea
- Seborrhea Dermatitis
- Secondary Amenorrhea
- Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
- Seeing Halos Around Lights
- Seeing Zig Zag Lines
- Seizure
- Seizures
- Selenium
- Selenium Deficiency
- Sensitivity to Light
- Sensitivity to Noise
- Sensitivity to Perfume and Chemicals
- Sensorimotor Incompetence
- Sensory Loss
- Sensory System
- Severe Failure to Thrive in Children
- Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy
- Severe Language Delay
- Severe Stress
- Severe Thrombocytopenia
- Short Duration of Breast Feeding
- Short Stature
- Short-chain fatty Acids
- Shortness of Breath
- Silliness
- Sinus Problems
- Sjögren's Syndrome
- Skeletal System
- Skin Disorders
- Skin Necrosis
- Skin Rash
- Skin Sores
- Skipped Heartbeats
- Sleep Problem
- Sleepiness
- Sleeplessness
- Slow Growth
- Slow Pulse
- Slow Pulse/ Heartbeat
- Slow Recuperation
- Slow Teeth Eruption
- Slow Tooth Eruption
- Sluggishness
- Small Bacterial Intestinal Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Small Bowel Intussusception
- Small Bowel Obstruction
- Small Heart
- Small Intestinal Edema
- Small Intestinal Inflammation
- Small Intestine Disorders
- Small Stool
- Small White Bumps Under Skin
- Smoking
- Smooth Sore Tongue
- Smooth Tongue
- Sneezing
- Sodium
- Soft Bones
- Sore
- Sore Eyelids
- Sore Mouth
- Sore Perineum
- Sore Scrotum
- Sore Throat
- Sore Tongue
- Sour Tongue
- Spastic
- Sperm Abnormalities
- Spina Bifida
- Spine Disorders
- Spleen Disorders
- Spleen Enlargement
- Spontaneous Abortion
- Spontaneous Abortions
- Spontaneous Miscarriage
- Spotty Rash
- Sputum Production
- Squirms in Seat
- Staggering Walk
- Staring
- Steatorrhea
- Steroid Drugs
- Steroids
- Stiff Joints
- Stiffness
- Stomach Bloating
- Stomach Discomfort
- Stomach Disorders
- Strange Mannerisms.
- Stress
- Stridor
- Stroke
- Stroke in Childhood
- Stupor
- Subscriber Newsletter
- Subungual Splinter Hemorrhages
- Sucrose Intolerance
- Sucrose Intolerance and Sucrosemia
- Sudden Weakness
- Sugar Cravings
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Sulphite Allergy
- Suprapubic Pain
- Sweating
- Sweats
- Sweaty Armpits
- Sweaty Palms
- Sweaty Palms/Feet
- Swellin of Lower Legs
- Swollen Lymph Nodes
- Swollen nodes
- Swollen Salivary Glands
- Swollen Tongue
- Swollen Tongue With Indentations
- Swollen Wrists and Ankles
- Symptom
- Symptom of Celiac Disease
- Symptoms
- Symptoms, Atypical
- System
- System - Blood
- System - Body Composition
- System - Cardiovascular
- System - Digestive
- System - Female Reproductive
- System - Glandular
- System - Integumentary (body surfaces)
- System - Lymphatic
- System - Male Reproductive
- System - Nervous
- System - Pulmonary
- System - Sensory
- System - Skeletal
- System - Urinary
- System-Immune
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- T Lymphocytes or T Cells
- T-Cells
- Tachycardia
- Talks Excessively
- Tantrums
- Taste Disorder
- Tears
- Teary Eyes
- Teeth Clenching
- Telomeres
- Temper Tantrums
- Temperature Regulation
- Tender Bones
- Tender Lymph Nodes
- Tendon Problems
- Testes Disorder
- Testing
- Testosterone
- Testosterone Deficiency
- Tetany
- Thiamin Deficiency
- Thiamin Deficiency (B1)
- Thiamine Deficiency
- Thickened Skin
- Thigh Pain
- Thigh Weakness
- Thigh Weakness and Pain
- Thin Muscles
- Thin Nails
- Thin Tooth Enamel
- Thirst
- Threonine Deficiency
- Throat
- Throat Cancer
- Throat Problems
- Throat Ulcers
- Thrombocytes
- Thrombocytopenia
- Thrombosis
- Thyroid Disease
- Thyroid Gland Disorder
- Thyroxine
- thyroxine hormone
- Tight Junctions
- Tight Skin
- Tingling
- Tiredness
- TMJ (jaw pain)
- Tongue - Beefy Red
- Tongue - Fiery Red
- Tongue - Pale
- Tooth Cavities
- Tooth Decay
- Tooth Indentations in Tongue
- Toxic
- Toxin
- Transaminases
- Transient Erythroblastopenia
- Treatment
- Tremor
- Tremors
- Triglyceride
- Triglycerides
- Tryptophan
- Tryptophan Deficiency
- Ttremor
- Tuberculosis - Increased Susceptibility
- Tuberculosis - Non-Response to Treatment
- Tumor
- Turner's Syndrome
- Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Type I Diabetes Mellitus
- Type1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Tyrosine
- Ulceration
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Underweight
- Unexpected Weight Loss
- Unexplained Blepharitis
- Unexplained Blurred Vision
- Unexplained Epistaxis
- Unexplained Fever
- Unexplained Hypogonadism in Adults
- Unexplained Weight Gain
- Unhealthy Sperm
- Unrefreshing Sleep
- Unsafe Food List
- Upper Abdominal Pain
- Urinalysis
- Urinary Discomfort
- Urinary Frequency
- Urinary System
- Urinary Urgency
- Urine
- Urine Loss
- Uterus Disorders
- Uveitis
- Vaginal Candida (Yeast) Infection
- Vaginal Discharge
- Vaginitis
- Valine Deficiency
- Vascular
- Vascular Resistance
- Vasculitis
- Vasculitis of the Central Nervous System
- Vertigo
- Viatamin A Deficiency
- Villi
- Vinegar
- Violent Behavior
- Vision
- Visual Disturbances
- Visual Impairment
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin A Deficiency
- Vitamin B-Complex Deficiency
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Deficiency
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Deficiency
- Vitamin B6 Deficiency
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin C Deficiency
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Deficiency
- Vitamin D Supplementation
- Vitamin Deficiencies
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin E Deficiency
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin K Deficiency
- Vitamins
- Vitiligo
- Voice Change
- Volvulus
- Vomiting
- Waddling Gait
- Wasting malnutrition
- Wasting of Muscles
- Water
- Water Soluble
- Watery Diarrhea
- Wavy Indentations in Nails
- Weak Blood Vessels
- Weak Bones
- Weak Connective Tissue
- Weak Eye Muscles
- Weak Ligament
- Weak Ligaments
- Weak Sperm
- Weak Spinal Discs
- Weak Tendons
- Weak Tooth Enamel
- Weakness
- Weakness of Lower Extremities
- Web Neck
- Week Teeth
- Weight Gain
- Weight Loss
- Wheat
- Wheeze
- Wheezing
- Whey
- White Blood Cell
- White Spots and White Bands in Nails
- White Spots On Nails
- White Spots on Teeth
- Worse PMS
- Worsened Skin Disorders
- Worsening of Psoriasis.
- Writhing
- Xerophthalmia
- Yeast Infection
- Yellow Teeth
- Yellow Vision
- Zinc
- Zinc Deficiency
- Zinc Or Protein
- Zincemia
- Zonulin
- Zygote
- α-carotene
- β-carotene
- β-cryptoxanthin
- • Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- Cleo Libonati, RN, BSN (589)
- John Libonati (498)