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Holiday Health and Diet Makeover Sale

Fix Your Symptoms and Your Diet For One Low Price!

Get Your Lifetime Subscription to The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide AND Our Extraordinary e-Cookbook Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cooking Made Easy on Sale Now!

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide Helps You Achieve and Maintain Good Health For Life.

Comprehensive gluten disorder explanations.

Treatment Modules give you step by step treatment options for hundreds of symptoms, disorders and complications.

Reveal underlying causes of your chronic health issues and how to fix them.

Identify deficient nutrients and replenish them fast.

Learn which foods to eat and which foods to avoid according to your symptoms – not just gluten, but vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood…

Discover which of your medications are impacting your health and making your symptoms worse as they deplete your nutrients.

Get special worksheets to take notes and bring to your doctor to help him improve your treatment.

Understand the diagnostic tests and how they really work – what they are and what the results actually mean.

Based on the groundbreaking book, Recognizing Celiac Disease, by Cleo J. Libonati, RN, BSN, the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide will give you the answers you need, but cannot find anywhere else. Not online. Not at your doctor’s office.

Our information comes from medical research that we developed into a system that you can use regardless of your medical background.

We created this Treatment Guide so you and your family can quickly and easily recognize, understand and treat your current and future symptoms, so you can be healthy and thrive. 

Easily Find and Fix Your Symptoms!

Chronic Conditions. Acute Symptoms. Nutritional Deficiencies. Associated Disorders.

Reveal the underlying causes of your ailments.

Discover whether medicines are worsening your condition or depleting nutrients you need.

Gain helpful natural remedies that really work.

Treatment Modules give you the steps you need to follow to correct the problem

Get the answers you need. Now!

What Will Happen When You Subscribe – READ THIS!

  • You will instantly gain full access to the Treatment Guide. (Over 1,000 pages!)
  • You will receive emails every day for the next week.
  • Each email will explain and link you to the different sections of the Treatment Guide so you can learn and then apply what you learned.
  • By the last email, you will know more about gluten, gluten disorders and the gluten-free diet than most professionals.
  • More importantly, you will know how to manage your treatment.
  • You will know what you must do to recover your health and stay healthy living gluten-free for life.
  • You will know what to do when symptoms arise.
  • You will know which nutrients you are missing and how to get them the most effective way possible.
  • You will know what foods to eat and which foods to avoid – not just gluten, but vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood.
  • You will know whether your medications are interfering with your health.
  • You will receive a special worksheet to bring to your doctor to help him or her improve your treatment.
  • You will have daily remedies to help your symptoms.
  • You will have a roadmap and the steps you need to take, written out in easy-to-understand language.

Gluten-Free Dairy Free Cooking Made Easy Helps You Make Foods You Love that Work for Your Body!

Dozens of easy to make breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, dessert and beverages.

Recipes use easy to find – normal – ingredients.

Nutrition Facts for each recipe so you know what you are eating.

Complete descriptions of gluten and dairy and how they affect you.

Symptom/Nutrient Deficiency charts so you can discover what you need based on your symptoms.

Family and friends won’t be able to tell the difference.

Better yet, they’ll prefer YOUR meals!

Discover wonderful new recipes and substitutes for old favorites!

Learn about gluten and dairy and how they affect us.

Find out which foods you can eat and which you need to avoid to follow a gluten-free and dairy-free diet.

Match your symptoms with nutrient deficiencies so you know what you need.

Incorporate delicious recipes with the nutrients you need into your diet.

Never again wonder what to make for breakfast, lunch dinner or dessert!

Use the Treatment Guide and Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cooking Made Easy together!

Find out what you need and then cook yourself to good health!

Get Healthy!

  • TG: Find and fix symptoms!
  • GFDF: Build a healthy mind and body with tasty, good-for-you foods!

Eat The Foods Your Body Needs!

  • TG: Learn which foods you need and which are harming you!
  • GFDF: Never stress out about what to eat. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Desserts. Every recipe tells you which nutrients it contains so your meals can be your supplements!

Take Control!

  • TG: Find out what is causing your maladies and the steps you need to take to fix them!
  • GFDF: Quick and easy recipes that contain the nutrients you need and the taste you love!

For a Limited Time, we are offering the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide AND our Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cooking Made Easy e-cookbook for $20.00 off! 
Get your Lifetime access now AND your copy of Gluten Free, Dairy-Free Cooking Made Easy by clicking here.

One Low Price! Hurry. Regular Price is $59.99.