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What Is Failure To Thrive And Growth Retardation?
Failure to thrive (FTT) and growth retardation are conditions affecting children characterized by weight consistently below the 3rd percentile for age or a decrease in the expected rate of growth based on the child’s previously defined growth curve, irrespective of whether below the 3rd parcentile.1
Q: Why do failure to thrive and growth retardation occur?
A: Failure to thrive and growth retardation occur because there is inadequate nutrition for weight gain and growth to occur.
What Is Failure To Thrive And Growth Retardation In Celiac Disease and/or Gluten Sensitivity?
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- Arnason JA, Gudjonsson H, Freysdottir J, Jonsdottir I, Valdimarsson H. Do adults with high gliadin antibody concentrations have subclinical gluten intolerance? Gut. 1992 February; 33(2): 194–197. [↩]