Home / A LISTING OF ALL HEALTH CONDITIONS / Erosions in the Second Part of the Duodenum

Erosions in the Second Part of the Duodenum

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What Are Erosions In The Second Part Of The Duodenum?

Erosions in the second part of the duodenum typically are superficial excoriations (sores) in the mucosal lining that do not penetrate into the muscle layer as does an ulcer.

Of note, most erosions develop in the first part of the duodenum rather than the second part.

Q: Are duodenal erosions serious?

A: Yes duodenal erosions are serious and can be life-threatening for the following reasons:

  • Duodenal erosions may occur together with gastric erosions, therefore they can jointly induce massive bleeding.
  • Duodenal erosions may be associated with duodenal ulcer but hemorrhage originates from the erosion and the ulcer itself does not bleed.
  • Duodenal erosion in itself might induce bleeding. The intensity of bleeding, if there is no hemorrhage from other places, is not so severe, as the one originating from gastric erosions.1

What Are Erosions In The Second Part Of The Duodenum In Celiac Disease and/or Gluten Sensitivity?


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  1. Preisich P, Farkas I, Konyár EJ. The role of duodenal erosions in the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl. 1989;167:36-8. []