Tag Archives: health guide

The Link Between Epilepsy, Gluten and Celiac Disease

3.4 million people in the United States have epilepsy and about 65 million worldwide. Epilepsy is a serious disorder that affects the brain. People with epilepsy suffer from seizures. The seizures can range from small and barely noticeable to so severe that that the person loses consciousness and the body spasms.

While the exact mechanism is as yet unclear, there is definitely a link between gluten and epilepsy in a certain percentage of people. This video explains the link, the effects and how the seizures respond to the the gluten-free diet.

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Does Calcium Affect Magnesium Absorption?


We received a message from a Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide Subscriber yesterday that read, “In ‘calcium deficiency’ it says that calcium hinders absorption of magnesium. But information from doctors and general info always state to take these together because they support one another. Why do you recommend not taking them together?”

The subscriber presented a common sense point. She is seeing information that conflicts with what the Treatment Guide states. So, what is the deal? Which is correct?

Calcium interferes with magnesium absorption by taking up receptor sites. If both calcium and magnesium are present in the intestine, the calcium will take precedence and be absorbed. “In one study, addition of 300 to 1000 mg of calcium to the diet decreased magnesium absorption significantly in participants consuming an average of 370 of dietary magnesium daily.

While it is true that calcium and magnesium do support each other in the body, the conventional wisdom doesn’t take absorption into account.”

There are two concepts here: 1) absorption and 2) action once in the body. Calcium does interfere with magnesium absorption so take them separately. Calcium and magnesium work together once they have been absorbed into the body, so you need enough of each.We created the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide specifically for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. By reviewing thousands of peer-reviewed medical research studies and case reports, we put together a unique, accurate, comprehensive, regularly updated resource that you can use anywhere in the world to understand, fix and maintain your health.

Sometimes, what you hear on TV will differ from the truth. Sometimes, it will be incorrect or taken out of context, like this example. Unfortunately, once this incorrect information is printed or broadcast, other outlets pick it up and spread the misinformation. Within a short time, people believe it is fact, when it is wrong. That is when they stop eating eggs, avocados and carbohydrates.

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide is a medically accurate resource that gives you the tools and information you need to be as healthy as possible, to fix your health issues – hundreds of them – and maintain your well being for life. I strongly encourage you to subscribe here.

3 Things That Keep You Sick

makeover your healthHey, I would like to share a very important message with you.

The gluten-free diet is the main treatment for gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. However, removing gluten is not the only thing we must do to regain our health.

Here are the top three things people miss when they go gluten-free. You must do these things in order to achieve good health:

  1. Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the main causes of disease. In celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, gluten is regarded as the trigger for inflammation. However, inflammation may persist if gluten has caused a dysfunction that is now triggering its own Read More »

Healthcare May Seem Doomed But You Can Save Yourself

Image source: wkrg.com

Fixing healthcare is a big topic in the United States at the moment.

No healthcare plan is going to work because no one in government or the medical industry is looking at healthcare the right way.

People should be healthy. Instead, they are sick and getting sicker – almost 60% now take a prescription medication. What does that look like? Line up 5 people. Three of those five are taking a prescription drug to treat some health problem. 15%, or almost 1 in 7, take five or more medications.

You cannot fix a system by shifting money around when the underlying causes of health problems are not being treated or prevented.

Doctors are trained to treat acute symptoms. Chronic diseases are being treated like acute symptoms. As a result, medications that are only supposed to be taken in the short term, like Read More »

Most People Do Not Realize How Sick They Really Are 

We are told the gluten-free diet is the only treatment for celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. We follow the diet, but do not recover fully. Many times, because we feel better than before, we do not grasp that we can be so much healthier than we are.
There are a host of health issues that can and should be treated through diet, supplements and medications, reducing inflammation and correcting deficiencies. Hundreds in fact.
Many times, we are told our symptoms are just who we are. And we accept that, because we don’t know any better.
Even our doctors have no idea that their patients who suffer from fatigue, thinning hair, flaking fingernails, poor vision, constant irritability, forgetfulness, mottled skin and hundreds of problems that they believe are “normal” day-to-day conditions actually result from Read More »