Tag Archives: Recipes

Chocolatey Hazelnut Sticky Buns

I have been so excited about the feedback and inspiration that the sticky buns have generated that I decided that we need one more take at these… something hazelnut – something chocolatey. Read More »

Irish Recipe: Gluten-Free Fadge

Gluten Free Fadge

Gluten-Free Fadge Photo © 2009 Teri Lee Gruss

Our Guide to British and Irish Cooking, Elaine Lemm has great names for this easy potato cake recipe. Elaine says that in Scotland the recipe is called “Tattie Scones or Potato Scones” and in Ireland “Fadge or Potato Bread.” Whatever you call them, these little potato cakes are easy to make, economical and a good use for leftover mashed potatoes. Fadge can be baked or pan-fried. The fadge pictured here was baked.

This recipe is adapted to gluten-free cooking from Elaine Lemm’s recipe for “Tattie Scones.” Read More »

Make Your Own Gluten-free Vanilla Extract

One of the hidden places that gluten lurks is in your vanilla extract.  There are many brands of gluten-free extract you can purchase, but why not make your own?  It is very easy and stores indefinitely.

1 fresh vanilla bean
3/4 cup vodka, see note below

To Make:
Split the vanilla bean lengthwise down the center ofthe bean.  Scrape out the seeds and place the seeds and the pod in a 1 cup sealable glass jar.  Heat the vodka in a saucepan or Read More »

Gluten-Free Recipe: Focaccia Mini-Loaves!


The best news about these mini-loaves, besides the fact that they’re delicious, is that they don’t require yeast! These are a quick bread with yeast bread flavour, and are a great addition to a soup or salad.

These loaves include white bean flour, which is low in calories and high in protein, millet flour, which adds Read More »

Recipe: Gluten-Free Irish Barm Brack Bread

Gluten free Irish Barm Brack Bread

Gluten-Free Irish Barm Brack. © 2010 Teri Lee Gruss

According to Elaine Lemm, About.com Guide to British and Irish Food, “Brack is one of Ireland’s most famous bakery products.”

Gluten-Free Irish Barm Brack is adapted to gluten-free diets from a recipe by Bernard Clayton, Jr., “Barm Brack” which appears in Bernard Clayton’s New Complete Book of Breads.

This recipe is laced with fragrant fresh lemon peel, plump raisins and chopped candied ginger. Read More »

Recipe for Gluten Free Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

It appears to be cookie season! Looking at all of those tasty offerings is enough to bring a tear to any gluten free eye because they are off limits. Well, wipe that tear away! Here is a solution to the I-can’t-order-these-cookies-because-they’re-full-of-gluten blues.

The recipe for these peanut butter sandwich cookies comes to us from Florida, from Elizabeth Signer (A.K.A The Fat Boxer) to be exact. The recipe comes with many assurances that these cookies are so much better than the ones you can buy that you won’t be missing anything. Read More »

Lavender Blueberry Pancakes. Gluten-free and Vegan.

All right, I have a pretty big confession to make.

I steal lavender.

By that I mean, when I head out on my daily walks, my hand might ever-so-slightly slip onto a neighbor’s lavender plant and give a little tug. If some buds end up in my hand then I just figure it was fate and move along to the next yard.

D doesn’t approve, but I have quite a few arguments that can justify the whole process. If you really want to hear them, I’d be glad to share, but right now they might just sound like excuses.

*Slightly random side note: I picked up a new book the other day called The Welcoming Kitchen. It’s full of allergen-friendly (i.e. gluten-, dairy-, egg-, soy-free, and vegan) recipes. It’s a really cute book (cute shape, classic fonts, and a great color scheme), although it’s greatly lacking in pictures (in other words, there arenone). The recipes look yummy, though, and if nothing else, they are inspiring to me when I’m in the kitchen. It’s also inspiring to know that allergen-free cookbooks are becoming more and more prevalent.

The following recipe is not at all like the book’s recipe for pancakes, but seeing the addition of cornmeal in The Welcoming Kitchen’s ingredients list made me add it to my own recipe, so I feel that I should give a shout-out to the cookbook authors. 

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