Tag Archives: Children

Gluten-Free Baked Macaroni & Cheese Recipe

Kim Bouldin Gluten Free Works

gluten free baked mac and cheese

Baked Mac & Cheese Photo: Kimberly Bouldin

Macaroni and cheese is a great comfort food. When I eat it, I remember those days when my mom would surprise us with her baked macaroni and cheese. This wasn’t just any macaroni and cheese, this was the real deal, made from scratch!

After starting the gluten-free diet, pasta dishes were a little tougher to make. Some pastas don’t hold up well to being cooked in boiling water and then baked. I have found that Read More »

Gluten Free and Dairy Free Caesar Salad Dressing with Croutons Recipe

gluten free dairy free caesar salad dressing with croutons

Photo: Amy Fothergill

Running out of gluten-free and dairy-free lunch ideas for your kids lunchboxes for school or summer camp? This can be a particular challenge when most traditional options revolve around bread and cheese. Of course you can always use gluten-free bread to make the traditional turkey or peanut butter and jelly, but why not think outside the standard lunch box fare and prepare a fresh salad? Children are often big fans of Caesar salad for the creamy dressing, pleasantly non-bitter romaine lettuce and the crunchy croutons. I love to use Easy Lunchboxes since it’s easy to keep everything separated; the croutons would be a bit mushy if I put them on in the morning!

I usually make this dressing with Parmesan cheese but have had a few people request a dairy-free version. I adapted this recipe, which is a fan favorite, by eliminating the cheese and adding Read More »

Help Send Children To A Gluten-Free Summer Camp. Hurry Fundraiser Ends December 25th!

John Libonati Gluten Free Works

In the spirit of the giving season, Gluten Free Works is excited to bring to your attention a special fundraiser we are helping promote this week for a great gluten-free cause!

This week only, your gift of just $2 will provide $4 toward scholarships for children to attend a gluten-free summer camp hosted by the Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) next summer in Southern California.

Gluten-Free Saver has partnered with Van’s Natural Foods to raise money to send children to next summer’s CDF-sponsored summer camp. The summer camp will be held in San Bernardino in Southern California from July 30 to August 3, 2012, and it’s open to all 7-15 year old gluten intolerant and gluten-sensitive children – not just those diagnosed with celiac disease. Read More »

Gluten Free Wish List Revisited

Gluten Free Works Jennifer Harris

gluten free toaster pastryEarlier this year this Examiner put together a wish list of gluten-free products we would like to see hit grocery store shelves. Some of the items have been developed and will come out at the end of this year, or early next year.  There are also some items this Examiner didn’t have on her list that have been introduced and some items we are still waiting on.

It seems only appropriate as we are drawing to the end of 2011 to recap some of the first-to-market gluten-free products that have hit or are about to hit store shelves this year.

Here are some of my wish list products that are set to hit store shelves: Read More »

Gluten Free Diet Helps Little Boy with Glutaric Acidemia Type 1 (GA-1)

gluten free glutaric acidHaley is the mother of 21 month old Wyatt, who was diagnosed with Glutaric Acidemia Type 1 (GA-1) through newborn screening. Doctors have been unable to explain why a gluten free diet seems to be making such a positive difference to his health. Here is Wyatt’s story…

Haley’s letter to Glutaric Acidemia Group:

I thought I would share some interesting news with you all, in case there is a child out there like my son. We started my son on a gluten free diet in April and since then, his glutaric acid and 3-hydroxy glutaric acid levels have Read More »

Interview with Genevieve Fraser: Growing up with a Peanut Allergy

Gluten Free Works Author Jennifer Leeson

Working with people diagnosed with food allergies and Celiac disease has opened my eyes to the world around me.
Prior to this, the only person I knew with severe food allergies was a younger cousin of mine whom I spend very little time with.  But, when you start paying attention, you figure out there are many people living with food allergies, Celiac disease or other food related intolerances or restrictions.

Peanut Allergy GenevieveOne day, I came into work and a co-worker, Genevieve  Fraser, asked if I was the one with the food allergy therapist magnet on my car. When I said yes, she informed me that she has an anaphylactic allergy to peanuts, and has since she was very young.  Suddenly, it was in my awareness that I had been bringing peanut butter to work almost every day that I am in that office, not even realizing my office neighbor, just across the hall, has to carry an Epipen everywhere she goes because of peanuts!  Boy did that get my attention!

I didn’t stop bringing peanut butter to work at first, but I noticed I felt nervous and worried every time I did, so I finally stopped bringing it.  However, I noticed being concerned about others using her office when she was not around, and wondering if people were taking peanuts in there.  I finally decided that I should learn more about what it is like living as an adult with a severe anaphylactic food allergy, rather than just going off what I read and my own assumptions.

When I asked Genevieve if I could do a feature interview on her, she was so great and willing to share her story. I have to say, this interview was so informative, empowering, emotional, and motivating, that it really helped put some aspects of living with life threatening food allergies into perspective.  Genevieve not only survived her childhood, despite bullying and being different, but has gone on to complete her college degree and is working on her master’s.  She has dedicated herself to helping others overcome challenging obstacles in their lives so that they can live a full life, despite whatever challenges they might be facing.  I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did! Read More »

Calling All Volunteers…Gluten-free Camps Need You

Gluten Free Works Jennifer Harris

Gluten Free CampsThis is the time of year when parents are planning their summer activities and for those kids on the gluten-free diet those plans include attending a gluten-free camp.  There are a number of gluten-free camps out there who are in need of volunteers to perform a variety of tasks.  

They camps lists below are looking for volunteers to work six hour shifts in the kitchen.  If you are interested in helping make this a Read More »

Fox News Video: Boy with Autism Recovers After Gluten-free Casein-free Diet

Ethan Fox never slept more than two hours at a time.  He did not speak.  He ran continuously, day and night, until he would collapse from exhaustion.  After a short nap, he would awaken and run again. 

At one year of age, Ethan was diagnosed with autism.  At 20 months, after being written off by other physicians, he was placed on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet by Dr. Kenneth Bock, autism specialist and author of “What Your Family Needs To Know About Autism Spectrum Disorders.”

According to Ethan’s mother, Tracy Fox, results were seen within three days on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. Ethan slept through the night, spoke his first words and has never had a problem since.  Now age 6, he is at the top of his class at school with a 97%  average…and virtually no one knows he was ever diagnosed with autism.

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