Tag Archives: Dogs

The News Wants You to Think Grain-Free Food Is Killing Dogs

Here’s some fake news for you. Notice the headline. “Grain-Free Dog Food Warning.”

The news video discusses dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs.

Cardiomyopathy has nothing to do with grains or the lack thereof. (We discuss idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in our Gluten Free Works Health Guide.

The study mentioned in the article never even mentions grains as benefits or liabilities.

The study noted the true  cause of cardiomyopathy in dogs is Read More »

Allergen Detection Service Dogs…Until There’s a Cure! Interview with Ciara Gavin

Allergen Detection Service DogsI was recently connected with Ciara Gavin of Allergen Detection Service Dogs in a joint effort to work together to increase Food Allergy Awareness by holding a conference in Colorado Springs.  While that whole idea is still in the works, I was immediately intrigued by the work being done by Ciara and her team.  I needed to know more!  Lucky for me, she agreed to come to Denver and meet over lunch to discuss the work we both do.  I am honored to share with all of you the amazing services being provided through Allergen Detection Service Dogs!

allergen detection service dogs


First, I have to say that I was lucky enough to meet one of these amazing dogs named Tucker, who is actually a mobility dog, and has a unique set of skills outside of allergen detection.  However, he was in the restaurant with us and was well received, well behaved, and an all around incredible animal.  I was hooked from Read More »