Tag Archives: Videos

King Arthur Flour Recalls Organic Coconut Flour Due to Salmonella Risk

King Arthur Flour is voluntarily recalling 6,300 cases of its Organic Coconut Flour due to the risk of salmonella. You can find the recall notice on the King Arthur Flour website here.

King Arthur Flour Company, Inc. voluntarily recalls Organic Coconut Flour (16 oz.) because of possible health risk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — March 23, 2018-Norwich, VT — King Arthur Flour Company is voluntarily recalling a limited quantity (6,300 cases) of Organic Coconut Flour (16 oz.), after testing revealed the presence of Salmonella in 1 pouch of Organic Coconut Flour (16 oz.).

Salmonella is an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into Read More »

Video Review: McCormick’s Simply Better Beef Gravy

We’re always on the lookout for products that make life easier. My wife, Sally, just found this McCormick’s Simply Better Beef Gravy at our local Publix supermarket. She found this one on the clearance rack, but it seems to sell online for around $2.59. Here is my review of the ingredients, texture, and taste.

Celiac Disease Public Service Announcement

[Editor’s Note: This video is from 2007, but it is still true. Celiac Disease research still lags other, less prevalent conditions. Yet, it is the easiest to treat, requiring a gluten-free diet and nutrient replenishment. The focus has been on the Gluten-Free Diet. Let’s shift it back.]


Doctors are missing over 95% of people with celiac disease – over 3 million in the United States.  That’s more people than autism or Type 1 Diabetes, yet celiac disease receives a fraction of the funding of these diseases.  Lives are being destroyed every day, when a simple change in diet could cure them.  Let’s get the word out…

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Celiac Disease and Gluten Free Diet Educational Videos

Cheryl Harris Gluten Free Works

Finding out you have Celiac Disease is a big transition. Often it’s a good one that leads to feeling great, yet initially it’s a lot of information to take in at once to understand what you need to do for your health. Much of it is because we’re been eating one way for 15, 30, 50 or more years and it can be overwhelming to to instantly unlearn everything we’ve done and change overnight. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could take a doctor or dietitian home as a portable reminder of the basics? And so the Celiac Disease Video Project was born.

See below for videos of Dr. John Snyder, Chief of the Department of Gastroenterology at CNMC in DC, Dr. Gary Kaplan, Medical Director of Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine and Cheryl Harris, MPH, RD Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist discussing testing, diagnosis and follow-up, eating a gluten-free diet and a short segment on when it’s not Celiac. Though there are an increasing number of videos out there on people’s stories of diagnosis and ways to make a gluten-free pie, this is the first of its kind to do a run-down of the medical and diet basics by healthcare professionals. The Celiac Sprue Association has been kind enough to support the project. Read More »

One Grain More – Les Mis Food Allergy Parody

The Les Misérables food allergy parody that will knock your hypoallergenic socks off!

With the amazingly popular hit musical Les Miserables coming to theaters oh so soon (only 26 days, but who’s counting?!), I thought it would be appropriate to share this funny and amazing “One Grain More” video made by four people who are struggling to cook gluten free.  I loved the line, “This never ending road to gluten free,” boy does that seem true sometimes!

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