Have you ever wondered whether your various aches, pains and health issues are related to gluten or past damage from gluten? Headaches, muscle pains, weakness, weight gain, cavities, eye problems, neurological disorders…
Nowadays, it is common to read that gluten can cause hundreds of symptoms.
This wasn’t always the case. At one point, just a handful of symptoms were thought to stem from gluten.
Gluten Free Works changed this. We were the first organization to collect over 300 signs, symptoms, associated disorders and complications from all over the world and publish them in the groundbreaking medical reference, Recognizing Celiac Disease, in 2007.
Chronic inflammation and nutrient deficiencies are the big contributors to health problems related to gluten. But, the complications gluten causes can persist, even once we start a gluten-free diet, unless they are individually treated.
And it seems a true gluten-free diet, where gluten is totally removed from the diet, is not the norm among people who think they are Read More »