Tag Archives: Videos

Video: The Importance of Recognizing Commonly Missed Symptoms

How do you know when you are unwell?

What are the signs?

Many people do not recognize common symptoms that are telling us something is wrong in the body.

Cleo Libonati, RN, BSN and John Libonati discuss the importance of recognizing some commonly missed symptoms and what they mean.

Want to find out more about recognizing symptoms, so you can control your health?

Find out more at our Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide!

Using the Treatment Guide Worksheet to Help Your Doctor Improve your Treatment

The Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide includes a handy Information Worksheet that you can use to help keep track of your health and work with your doctor.

Each symptom entry in the Treatment Guide includes a link to the Information Worksheet.

Just click the link provided in the entry to print and complete the Information Worksheet.

Enter the information you find in the Treatment Guide and you have a useful document that will help your doctor modify your treatment as needed to improve your health!

Watch this quick video to see how it works!

Visit the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide to find out more!

Who Needs a Gluten Test? Video by “Gluten Syndrome” Expert Dr. Rodney Ford Explains

Dr. Rodney Ford, pediatrician and author of The Gluten Syndrome, provides us with an excellent and easy-to-follow video that tells us how to know if we need a gluten test.

This short presentation explains which symptoms to look for and tells you the tests you need to to request to find out if gluten is making you sick.

Dr. Ford estimates up to one third of people with chronic diseases are being affected by gluten and sums up why people do not ask to be tested. “We are so used to being sick that we don’t know we’re sick.” People think they have always been this way, so they do not know to ask.

He then establishes a great litmus test to determine who should be tested – “People who are sick, tired or grumpy should be tested.”

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Video: Asian Dim Sum and Dumplings YouTube Recipes

I LOVE Asian food.

And appetizers like dim sum and dumpling are my most missed foods since going gluten-free.

So, I was SUPER HAPPY to find Lucy Liu’s great gluten-free and dairy-free video recipes on YouTube.

Here’s my reaction her dim sum and dumpling recipes.

They look delicious and SO EASY! Watch!

Check out Lucy’s video recipes on her YouTube channel Lucy Cooking – GF & DF.

Dry Eye: Why Knowing the Causes of Health Problems Is As Important As the Fix

This video uses the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide to show you how knowing the causes of health issues is as important and how to correct them.

We look at chronic dry and and explore it’s causes – which tells us how to fix and prevent it! In this case, the cause also can fix a multitude of other problems.

Treatment Guide subscribers can find the Chronic Dry Eye treatment module here.

Get access to the Gluten Free Works Treatment Guide here!

Gluten Free Works Health Guide: Discovering and Treating the Underlying Causes of Health Problems.

Have you ever wondered whether your various aches, pains and health issues are related to gluten or past damage from gluten? Headaches, muscle pains, weakness, weight gain, cavities, eye problems, neurological disorders…

Nowadays, it is common to read that gluten can cause hundreds of symptoms.

This wasn’t always the case. At one point, just a handful of symptoms were thought to stem from gluten.

Gluten Free Works changed this. We were the first organization to collect over 300 signs, symptoms, associated disorders and complications from all over the world and publish them in the groundbreaking medical reference, Recognizing Celiac Disease, in 2007.

Chronic inflammation and nutrient deficiencies are the big contributors to health problems related to gluten. But, the complications gluten causes can persist, even once we start a gluten-free diet, unless they are individually treated.

And it seems a true gluten-free diet, where gluten is totally removed from the diet, is not the norm among people who think they are Read More »