For over 200 years, has built an impressive reputation for its consistent, high-quality, all natural baking flours.
Now the company has entered the gluten-free market with eight new gluten-free mixes:.
King Arthur Flour boldly states the following message on their website, “Our award-winning gluten-free mixes are the best you’ll ever taste.” Their tagline is “King Arthur Flour gluten-free mixes – a taste the whole family will enjoy!”
We tested them. The verdict?
These gluten-free mixes are as good as advertised. Both children and adult tasters agreed they are spectacular.
The Mixes
We received two boxes each of the eight different varieties. (Hint to all you gluten-free bloggers and support group leaders out there – request yours now!)
The mixes are packaged in attractively designed boxes, incorporating blue, tan and pumpkin colors in an appealing design supported by scrumptious-looking pictures. The boxes are clearly labeled gluten-free in multiple locations and Read More »