It's fun to make pancakes into the shape of pumpkins! Photo: A. Fothergill
If you live in the Bay area, you know pumpkins are in great abundance in the fall. Even if you don’t roast them yourself, pumpkin-themed recipes are as ubitquous to the bay area as clam chowder is to New England. To figuratively put the frosting on the cake, if you are eating gluten-free, don’t worry, this recipe is easy and delicious. Get out the cinnamon and the cloves…it’s time to make pancakes!
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pancakes

Mix dry ingredients first. Use any spices you like. Photo: A. Fothergill
1 ¾ cups milk (you can substitute soy or rice)
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 egg
3 tablespoons natural cane sugar or sucanat Read More »