Author Archives: Inge/Gillian Harris

Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Cupcake Recipe

Inge Gillian Harris


gluten free chocolate peanut butter cupcakes

Doesn’t that look delicious?


There is just something about the combination of peanut butter and chocolate; no matter the recipe it always ends up tasting amazing! Maybe it evokes memories of Halloween as a child? Whatever the reason, this classic duo has made its way into many favorite recipes, including this one. Read More »

Strawberry Delight

Strawberry Delight, copyright 2013,, All rights reserved

This is one of our very favorite desserts. It meets all the criteria we look for in making a dessert. It is generally loved by young and old alike.  It doesn’t require baking, there are no gluten free flour ratios to balance out, no added sugar,  free of lengthy preparation and complicated steps, and most importantly so delicious. In our globally connected world, you can now find strawberries almost year round. We generally prefer to eat foods as they are available seasonally, and locally grown if at all possible. But that is just not always practical when you live in a high desert environment, where so much of our food gets trucked in. Nearly all our local stores carry quite an assortment of Read More »

Eastern Mediterranean Pizza Recipe

TWD: Eastern Mediterranean Pizza, copyright 2013,, All rights reserved

We actually made this recipe for the first time a couple of weeks ago, but it was late in the day and we lacked the necessary natural light to photograph it. This recipe intrigued us, since pita bread is not easily converted to gluten free, and admittedly, we have yet to make just pita bread using this recipe. Before singling out the pita bread, we wanted to just explore this dough for the pizza itself, and if it turned out  to be successful, develop it further for really good gluten free Read More »

Raw Energy Soup

Energy Soup, copyright 2013,, All rights reserved

When most of you land on our website, your have come to expect yet another gluten free dish, ideally in a baked version. Don’t worry, we are still developing gluten free recipes and plan on doing so for some time to come. However, in our own home, we also prepare many raw food dishes as well. We especially enjoy the many Read More »

Brownies with a Hint of Matcha!

Inge Gillian Harris

Brownies, no doubt due to their high chocolate content, are generally loved by everyone. What is it about chocolate? Is it the ensuing relaxation from its high magnesium content, or just the mere addictive qualities attributed to chocolate? Probably, all of the above. The creative ways of using chocolate are endless.

There are also a hundred different ways of making brownies, gluten free or otherwise  – and we have a few options up our sleeves! Read More »

Be a ‘Champ’ this St. Patty’s Day Recipe

Inge Gillian Harris

This side dish is sort of the unique Irish twist on mashed potatoes. Though most versions of this recipe seem to call for cream, we toned it down by adding yogurt instead, and cutting down the amount of butter used. Light and creamy, with chopped green onions, and our further addition of fresh cilantro, our version of champ is a great twist on a simple dish. Read More »