Author Archives: Candice Rose Clifford

One Dish, Three Meals – Mexican Style!

I have never viewed being on a gluten and dairy-free diet as restrictive. Of course there are many foods I can’t have, but there are many more foods I can enjoy. However, more so than I did before I went gluten-free I get in phases where I feel like I’m eating the same foods. This is especially true since I have had to restrict my diet even more due to acid reflux.

When my parents came up last time my mom brought me two 1lb containers of ground turkey. I had made a meatloaf with one and had been enjoying the frozen turkey burgers my mom had made, but with my last Read More »

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Party Cake Recipe

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Kick off the holiday season by making a special gluten free dish. This Pumpkin Party Cake would be a great addition to your menu!

1 tbsp of Cinnamon Sugar (1/4 c. Evaporated Cane Juice, 1TBSP cinnamon)

1 package (15 oz) yellow gluten-free cake mix ( I used Betty Crocker GF)

1/4 c. Evaporated Cane Juice

1c. Canned pumpkin

1/2c. vegetable oil

3 TBSP orange juice Read More »

“Add What You Like” Turkey Burgers

Yummy turkey burgers! Healthy AND delicious!

Being sick at a young age and having to go to numerous doctors has made me more aware of my body. I know when I feel great and I know when something’s “off”. When I realized food was the culprit of my illness I was persistent until we got answers. There were times I wanted to back down and settle because I was tired of fighting, but thank god I didn’t.

Although I have an amazing team of doctors supporting me, I have learned I’m my own body’s expert. I know what foods make my stomach hurt and I know what Read More »

Cooking with Coconut Oil – Includes Bonus Sweet Surprise Cherry Pie Recipe

gluten free coconut oilI first became introduced to coconut oil when I purchased the BabycakesNYC cookbook. Not only does coconut have a great flavor, but it’s a great substitute to make egg-free french toast and easily substitutes in exchange for canola oil when baking.

While I am no nutrition expert, I’m a nutrition guru, who loves to learn about the health benefits of different foods.  After all, you are what you eat, right?

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More Crock Pot Lovein’: Crock Pot Whole Chicken



If you read my blog back in January, you will remember that my roommate and I heavily relied on our crock pot.  It was the lifesaver, to our busy days, and long nights. As the cold crisp air is slowly creeps into the northeast, I want more and more crock pot meals.

Considering that I don’t eat red meat I have had to get creative in finding recipes, as it seems as though there are always pork, and beef recipes for the crock pot. However, with the little extra time on my hands I don’t mind Read More »

Coconut Chip Coffee Cake Recipe

This cake recipe comes from one of my mom’s co-workers and is one of my dad’s favorite cakes! Since my dad was especially busy with work my last week home and took me to my nerve blocks, I decided it would be nice to make him a special treat; plus I really wanted to try this cake, since my parents always talk about how good this recipe is. Read More »

My Food Philosophy – Finding My Inner Foodie

Yummy snacks can be simple and easy to make!

With all the working out I do it still surprises me how most days I honestly don’t get hungry. It’s something that confuses me, but something I’ve just accepted as a “normal” part of my life.

What helps me cope with this is focusing on how food is nourishing and will help me continue to be healthy. I continually look for ways to make my diet more “nutrient dense.” I’m happy to report that I have been increasing the amount of veggies I’m eating and have found more that I am enjoying! However the child in me is coming out because I have to hide them in my foods….whatever way works right?

Last night I made a delicious bowl of pasta with pesto, eggplant, and peppers. I added kale as well but I think it would of been better if I steamed the kale. Sorry for the absence of a picture, but I must say it was a beautiful {and colorful} creation! Read More »

Sweet Summer Salmon Recipe

It’s been a hot summer these past few days in NY. When the heat is beaming, one of my favorite kinds of meals to enjoy is fish on the grill because it doesn’t leave me feeling heavy.

To me, summer is all about enjoying fresh ingredients. Fruit and veggies are at their prime and I always look forward to the first long island corn on the cob. I think my family would honestly be happy eating watermelon every night for dinner; this being a summer tradition I also love.

Salmon 1

Regardless of the season, I truly believe in trying to eat clean. My body is living proof that you are what you eat, and with my active lifestyle I believe Read More »

Gaining Closure Through a Letter: The Beautiful Side of Healing

This has been a post/letter which has been a work in progress for two years. For the past two years, I have had the new years resolution to send a letter to the 22 doctors who I had seen throughout the five years of misdiagnosis. After finally receiving a great report from my GI yesterday, it was time to put the finishing touches on this piece. It is something I felt I needed to do.

Not only to gain closure for myself, but as a way to spread awareness about gluten-sensitivity. The doctors need to know what the other side of the rainbow looks like, after what was a treacherous and long storm.  Read More »

Say What?! Those Crazy Gluten-Free Misconceptions

When it comes to the gluten-free diet there are crazy misconceptions out there… thanks to Hollywood and the media! Lets take some time to clear somethings up…OK?

Newsflash, GOING GLUTEN FREE WILL NOT CAUSE YOU TO LOSE WEIGHT!! If I had to guess people who lose weight after going gluten-free are eating healthier or have finally received a proper diagnosis! I’m not a medical professional but these are my thoughts based on some of my own experiences:

When I first went gluten-free I was so afraid of food that I stuck to the foods I knew were safe. This meant I was eating mostly foods that could be found around the perimeter of the grocery store.  Some people refer to this as clean eating, which in fact is better for your overall health & wellness. However, eliminating processed foods also decreases your caloric intake. This is why I dropped weight, which I might add was unintentional since I was already below average.

If you go gluten-free and load up on processed foods like most, it’s just as bad for you as if you were splurging on gluten containing food, or in most cases worse since gluten-free foods are higher in fat and sodium. Life is about balance. Enjoy a slice of cake, but remember to eat your fruits and veggies too.

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First and only time in history of Embrace G-free that I’m making a special shout out to ALL THE GLUTEN-FREE HATERS IN THE WORLD; which once included Read More »