Words can not begin to express how excited I am to have been chosen as an Official Blogger for the Gluten Free Allergen Free Expo (GFAF Expo) in Secaucus, NJ on September 7 & 8, but I am going to try anyway.
I was diagnosed five years ago with celiac disease and what a journey it has been. There have been some great moments and some really horrible ones, but it is all a part of it and you have to learn to adapt and move forward. Over these five years I have managed to miss all of the amazing gluten-free and allergy-free events around the country mostly because I couldn’t afford them, even if I was given a “scholarship” to one I would not have been able to afford the plane ticket or hotel. However, when Jenn mentioned that the GFAF Expo was coming to the East Coast I knew I had to be there. I have been waiting for an opportunity for five years. I was so thrilled to see one come this way and was even happier when I found out it was in NJ. Bryan’s family lives there so I knew I would have a free place to stay and the trip to the expo was only a train ride away – talk about perfect!
Over the years I have heard so many wonderful things about events such as this but, to me this one just sticks out. Not only is everything gluten-free but is about allergy-free as well. I may only have celiac disease however, I plan to focus my studies and future career in the allergy field. I have been working at a natural foods store that I absolutely love and I also volunteer with one of my professors at an allergy clinic at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence. I have learned so much not just in my studies but also at work and in the clinic when it comes to helping individuals and families with celiac disease and or multiple food allergies.
What I am looking forward to the most…
Meeting all of the vendors and sample some of the delicious products – especially the ones that I have had the privilege of working with over the years and meeting new ones.
Meeting some of the most amazing bloggers and authors – those who have been “mentors” to me (they probably don’t even know it). I admire what they do and when I first started this journey they answered my countless questions.
Meeting and getting to know the fellow bloggers that will be there!
Sitting in on the classes
Bringing back samples to share with the Sans Gluten group at Johnson & Wales!
So much more…
Will you be attending? If so be on the look out for me…can’t wait to meet everyone and experience this wonderful opportunity.
Author Information: Jenny Manseau – Gluten Free Blogger.
Location: Portsmouth, RI
Website: www.creativecookinggf.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/creativecookinggf
Twitter: www.twitter.com/creatively_gf
E-mail: creativecookinggf@gmail.com