Treatment Guide

Gluten-Free Halloween Candy – Keep Gluten-Free Kids Safe!

It’s almost any kid’s favorite time of year…Halloween is just around the corner. For most kids, the costumes and the candy are unlimited; however, for children with gluten-sensitivities or Celiac Disease, Halloween can be dangerous. gluten-free-halloween-candyBut now, with more and more manufacturers making note of whether or not their products are gluten free or are processed on the same line as wheat products, Halloween can be just as safe for a gluten-free kid as any other kid in a mask.

Below is a list of gluten-free candies that are popular around Halloween. As always, make sure you read the labels and ingredients of any candy before consuming or setting out for gluten-free Halloween-ers. Contacting the company is the best way to ensure that your Halloween candy is safe.

Nestle Candy

  • Baby Ruth
  • Bit-O-Honey
  • Butterfinger Bar (original flavor only)
  • Milk Chocolate
  • Goobers
  • Nips
  • Oh Henry!
  • Raisinets
  • Sno-Caps
  • Wonka Pixy Stix
  • Laffy Taffy
  • Wonka Lik-M-Aid Fun Dip



  • M&M’s (except pretzel and some new flavors. Check labels.)
  • 3 Musketeers Bars
  • Milky Way Midnight Bar
  • Milky Way Caramel Bar
  • Dove Chocolate products (all flavors are gluten-free except for cinnamon graham and cookies & cream)


Tootsie Roll

  • Tootsie Rolls
  • Fruit Rolls
  • Frooties
  • Dots
  • Tropical Dots
  • Crows
  • Cella’s Milk Chocolate Covered Cherries
  • Cella’s Dark Chocolate Covered Cherries
  • Junior Mints
  • Charleston Chew
  • Junior Caramels
  • Tootsie Pops
  • Tootsie Peppermint Pops
  • Caramel Apple Pops
  • Fruit Smoothie Pops
  • Tropical Stormz Pops
  • Child’s Play
  • Charms Blow Pops
  • Charms Super Blow Pops
  • Charms Pops
  • Zip-A-Dee-Mini Pops
  • Fluffy Stuff Cotton Candy
  • Sugar Daddy Pops
  • Sugar Mama Caramels
  • Charms Squares
  • Charms Sour Balls
  • Charms Candy Carnival
  • Pops Galore
  • Andes
  • Sugar Babies



  • Almond Joy
  • Mounds
  • Hershey’s Kisses
  • Hershey’s Filled Chocolate Kisses
  • Hershey’s Nuggets
  • Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar (1.55 oz.)
  • Hershey’s Milk Chocolate with Almonds Bar (1.45 oz.)
  • Heath Bars


Author Information: Natalie Pronio
Assistant Editor,
Natalie can be reached via e-mail 


About Natalie Pronio

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  1. Thanks for this! It’s been a few months since I discovered my wheat allergies. It’s gotten progressively worse as they affect my asthma and I’ve begun to ban certain products from the house. I thought we would have to ban all candy. So I really appreciate it.

  2. Natalie, not only are you beautiful, you are a beautiful soul for publishing this list. Currently I have nobody in my life with Celiac Disease, but my mother, rest her soul, had it, and had to research – painfully and often for months – each and every processed item she used – even the soaps, shampoos, and yes, perfume she wore. You are an angel, and join my list of personal heroes for this.

  3. Thank so you much for this list and your site! It has made my life so much easier here in the past month or so! Especially since my gluten intolerance has gotten extremely bad. My boyfriend always has a hard time buying me sweets because he doesn’t know what I can and can’t have. This list is a HUGE help! Thanks!

  4. This list is great. I am wondering about Skittles. I know they are labeled gluten free. Also, Reese peanut butter cups or pieces I am sure they are gluten free. Just curious why they are in your picture & not on your list?

  5. Thanks for the list!! I’m pretty sure that reeses cup is GF. Here is the link:

    hope this helps.

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